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Context of this studyThe reliability scores for the study in Hiser demonstrated acceptable Cronbach's alpha scores of 0. Correlations among the seven sub-skill factors there ranged from 0. Previous research has also shown moderate to strong...
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They study in the Bachelor of English programme, majoring in Business English, which takes four years to be completed. In the first two years, they mainly study academic English, while in the last two years, they specialize in Business English. The sample consisted of participants in the age group doing first or second year academic English. The number of male participants was outnumbered by the number of female counterparts. A gender breakdown of the sample consisted of The Vietnamese lecturer provided all the students with information about the C-tests and strategies for attempting them beforehand. They had a chance to ask questions about the scoring of the tests. For ethical considerations, the students were allowed to choose not to have their test scores included in the study sample-none of them chose that option. One hundred and one Vietnamese students agreed to do the tests which took them 45 minutes to complete. Then the papers were collected for marking.
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The answer sheets were then forwarded to New Zealand for repeated marking and analysis. Creating a C-TestA C-test is created by cutting alternating words in a text in half, and then asking students to restore the words in the passage Grotjahn Some words have an odd number of letters, in which case the shorter number of initial letters is used to create the test-the greater number of letters is cut from the end of the word if an odd number of letters exists. An introductory sentence is left intact along with a closing sentence at the end.
C-Tests: An Initial Exploration Of English Proficiency In Vietnam
See the example in Figure 1-a typical passage presented in C-Test format, and Appendix A for the completed passage. Enough space must be given for writing the remainder of the word in the blank provided. It is also better not to allow the blank of missing letters to separate or break between lines of text. This can become confusing for the examinee. There are some alternatives to this format including the use of numbering for the blanks usually found between the lines of text or under the blank , and an important issue of instructions to consider. Instructions for the test are most important. They need to be completely clear to the students as they can provide some clues to them as to whether their choice of completed word is accurate or not. If a word has three letters as part of the blank, then three or four letters may be added to complete the word-not more, nor less.
English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reviewer 1 (With Answer Key)
When C-tests are to be used, it is advisable to discuss test strategies and do a few practice tests beforehand just so examinees are aware of the possible ways the instructions can help them decide the best answers. Students sometimes submit words on the test that exceed the number of possible letters they are allowed to use, and are incorrect. This should have informed the test taker that "seven" is a more likely correct answer for this test item. Figure 2 provides a set of instructions often used on C-tests. Jafarpour ; although some attempts at left-hand deletions have been made in Oman Cleary Some test writers feel that they have enough intuitive knowledge of their students to know which words they will get right and which they will miss, but beware of this assumption, because it will almost always prove wrong. Choosing words selectively will not test the students' comprehensive knowledge of English but the accuracy of the test writer's intuition.
EPT Reviewer With Answer Keys Part 1
Fixing and following an alternative number of nth words to cut, is an acceptable procedure and works well in discriminating between abilities. Not only is this assumption almost always wrong, it destroys the range of students that the test can evaluate. Logically, if all the easy words are taken out of the test, it will only be accurately evaluating the better students-the range of scores declines. If the 'hard' words are taken out of the bank of items, then the test will only evaluate the lower level of proficiency-again, there will not be a full range of scores to consider. When the test seems organised, formatted and ready to use, native speakers should attempt the passage completion. This will tell a great deal more about the C-test design that has been created. If native speakers cannot determine the correct answers, can students? Do the native speakers think of alternative words which also fit the test blanks? This is where stencil marking becomes quite efficient.
Success on C-Tests requires not only appropriate spelling, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and schema knowledge, but also comprehension and cohesion. This means even though these skills are not directly evaluated, true overall proficiency is. There is a considerable body of literature accompanying their development. There seems a universal premise or English language construct underlying the C-test concept which English learners must understand or apply regardless of their first language or ethnic group. Research QuestionsPossible answers and insights to the following questions may present themselves in investigating results of the C-Tests for a sample of Vietnamese tertiary students. Are there any issues of interest among the individual items? EFL underlying the two sets of data? Is it acceptable to use the same C-tests across cultures in evaluating proficiency? A general discussion of points discovered in the Vietnamese set of data will be informative in relationship to the original data collected in Japan and New Zealand.
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Results Variable DescriptivesThe first variables to be examined in the data set were the total scores on each C-Test independently. There are 20 items and therefore a possible score of 20 on each test with an overall score for the three Total 60 being the cumulative score for the three individual tests. Coding on the SPSS spreadsheet were '0' for an incorrect item answer and '1' for a correct student answer. This made total scores and reliability easy to calculate. Figure 3 presents the histograms for each set of scores including the total for the 60 items attempted. All four sets of scores indicate a slight skew to the right negative , indicating the tests were somewhat easy for the Vietnamese cohort. The mean scores as well as the minimum score for the range were all considerably above the medians. The mean scores and descriptives for each of the four variables are listed in Table 1, taken from the SPSS spreadsheet.
English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reviewer With Answers – Part 2
This shows the exact amount of skew or kurtosis visible in the histograms above, the variance in the four sets of scores, and the standard deviation for each. Again, there is more evidence from the table of frequencies Appendix F. The data were divided into two groups for this comparative evaluation. There were 11 items that discriminated well for one or other of the low-high groups but not for both. This is the only item which the entire sample found too difficult. ReliabilityReliability is used to measure consistency of answers for students.
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The accepted value of 0. Previous studies with C-Tests have provided reliability scores for a set of three c-tests used with Japanese ESL students in New Zealand at acceptable levels In the present study, the individual C-tests with 20 items each produced low to moderate alpha values for the analyses. The combined reliability coefficient for the total 60 items rose to nearly 0. The worse performing items on individual tests must have combined with items on the other C-Tests to fit into the calculations more successfully leaving these three out of 60 to lower the alpha value; although the weakness of the items is actually quite small. None of the three items if deleted would raise the Cronbach's alpha value more than 0.
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Probably not of importance, but interest-these three items did fall one on each of the individual passages. The coefficients of the individual tests with the overall combined score show the third test on the Tuatara contributed the most to that total score. Design should include a native speaker evaluation, a reliability check, and an item analysis of how well each test item discriminates within a group of examinees. The reliability score for the combination of the three tests is acceptable even though the range of ability demonstrated is limited to upper intermediate and advanced proficiency. The matter of scoring tests should be approached with the attitude of just because an item is on a test; it doesn't mean that it must be marked and included in the score.
C-Tests: English Language Proficiency In Vietnam
If test-takers in the sample all always get one or two of the words correct or incorrect-too easy or too difficult-it does not mean they have to be scored. A stencil can be used for marking which only allows scoring of items that show good discrimination. In this case, perhaps 57 out of 60 test items could be marked, as most items are not helpful in sorting the group's ability. This is a quick way to score when only one or maybe two possible answers can be correct. RecommendationsTo ensure the validity, C-tests should be to expand the range of ability in a sample of an ethnic group. Further administrations of the tests to alternative ability groups should be attempted. Additionally, the same battery of C-Tests should be given to various ethnic groups for comparison and contrast of results in the DI, for example. The C-test as used here, seems to deliver the support in assessing students that is needed for accuracy and fairness, with a minimum amount of time needed in marking.
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A build B builder C built D building 2. A few B little C some D lot 3. A lives B is living C lived D has lived 4. A deep B deeper C deeply D more deeply 7. A it B them C itself D they 8. A cancelled B cancellation C cancel D canceling A two eight B twenty-eight C twenty-eighth D twentieth and eighth A become B too C well D neither A but B unless C therefore D whether A books B boxes C butter D bread A or B and C nor D whether A go B supposed to C better D ought A informs B information C informative D inform A confirmation B confirm C confirmed D confirming
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What can we infer about this area of southern England? The region has lots of vegetation. The coast often has harsh weather. The sun is hot and the air is dry. The land is flat. Anna Szewcyzk, perhaps the most popular broadcaster in the news media today, won the Broadcasting Award. She got her start in journalism as an editor at the Hollsville County Times in Missouri. When the newspaper went out of business, a colleague persuaded her to enter the field of broadcasting. She moved to Oregon to begin a master's degree in broadcast journalism at Atlas University. Following graduation, she was able to begin her career as a local newscaster with WPSU-TV in Seattle, Washington, and rapidly advanced to national television.
English Proficiency Test / EPT Reviewers
Noted for her quick wit and trenchant commentary, her name has since become synonymous with Good Day, America! Szewcyzk remarked, "I am so honored by this award that I'm at a total loss for words! What is the purpose of this announcement? Szewcyzk's accomplishments D. The expression "to become synonymous with" means A. What was Ms. Szewczyk's first job in journalism? She was a T.
English Proficiency Test Reviewer With Answer Key - Doc
You will read a passage. After reading, there are questions for you to answer. Each question has four choices. You should choose the best answer to complete the questions. You have 10 minutes to complete. Example: My name is Peter. I am a student. I am 19 years old. I am from London. I have 2 brothers and a sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. Question 1. How old is Peter? He is 19 years old B. He is 16 years old C. He is 1 years old. He is 2 years old The correct answer is A. You should choose A then click "Submit" button to answer. There are several sentences and their rewritten sentences. You should match the original sentences to their rewritten sentences to complete the test. Example: 1. How many brothers does Peter have? What does Peter do? Right Column 1. What is Peter's job? How many brothers has Peter got? You should match the left sentence 1 to the right sentence 2 and the left sentence 2 to the right sentence 1 then click "Submit" button to answer.
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English Grade 7 - Sentence Building Tests were designed to help you practice English writing skills for grade 7. There are several words of a sentence. You should reorder the words to make a sentence.
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C-Tests produce robust reliability and validity in most SLA studies. They are so well conceived that they demonstrate at least fair or moderate highly significant relationships among all major English language skills, i. Ikeguchi a reports some reliability differences among four C-Test passage types genre in a study by Mochizuki in Japan with tertiary EFL students.
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Apparently narrative passages were found to provide the best reliability and concurrent validity. Correlations among the seven sub-skill factors there ranged from 0. Previous research has also shown moderate to strong correlations for C-Tests with each of the four basic language skills mentioned above Hiser, , Reading might be another area where good relationships are intuitively expected and yet these often may not be so strong.
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The weakest correlations are found with speaking ability, but the amazing point is that there is any relationship at all with oral production skills Shohamy, C-Tests are used as part of placement for both. These tests provide comprehensive proficiency evaluations to supplement other more specific English language skills such as reading ability or vocabulary knowledge, tested at entrance Hiser, See Appendix A for the actual test. Research Questions 4 Hiser and Khiet Possible answers and insights into the following questions may present themselves in investigating simple statistical results of the C- Tests for a sample of Vietnamese tertiary students. Are there any issues of interest among the individual items?
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EFL underlying the two sets of data? A general discussion of points discovered in the Vietnamese set of data will be informative in relationship to the original data collected in Japan and New Zealand. They are then randomly arranged into different classes not by ability or proficiency. The students come from different regions and provinces in the country, including mountainous, remote highlands, rural and urban areas. Most of them have studied English since secondary school except a small number who have studied English less, due to limited EFL education in remote areas. The students are said to be mostly pre-intermediate level of English at the beginning of their first-year studies of English. They study 5 Hiser and Khiet in the Bachelor of English programme, majoring in Business English, which takes four years to be completed. In the first two years, they mainly study academic English, while in the last two years, they specialize in Business English.
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The sample consisted of participants in the age group doing first or second year academic English. The number of male participants was outnumbered by the number of female counterparts. A gender breakdown of the sample consisted of The Vietnamese lecturer provided all the students with information about the C-tests and strategies for attempting them beforehand. They had a chance to ask questions about the scoring of the tests.
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For ethical considerations, the students were allowed to choose not to have their test scores included in the study sample—none of which chose that option. One hundred and one Vietnamese students agreed to do the tests which took them 45 minutes to complete. Then the papers were collected for marking. The answer sheets were then forwarded to New Zealand for repeated marking and analysis. Results Variable Descriptives 6 Hiser and Khiet The first variables to be examined in the data set were the total scores on each C-Test independently.
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There are 20 items and therefore a possible score of 20 on each test with an overall score for the three Total. This made total scores and reliability easy to calculate. Figure 3 presents the histograms for each set of scores including the total for the 60 items attempted. All four sets of scores indicate a slight skew to the right negative , indicating the tests were somewhat easy for the Vietnamese cohort. The mean scores as well as the minimum score for the range were all considerably above the medians.
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The mean scores and descriptives for each of the four variables are listed in Table 1, taken from the SPSS spreadsheet. This shows the exact amount of skew or kurtosis Figure 3: Histograms for total scores on all C-Tests Vietnamese sample 7 Hiser and Khiet shown in the histograms above is the variance in the four sets of scores, and the standard deviation for each. N Min. Mean Std. UN 12 20 LN 13 20 TU 12 20 Again, there is more evidence from the table of frequencies Appendix E. The data were divided into two groups for this comparative evaluation. There were 11 items that discriminated well for one or other of the low-high groups but not for both. This is the only item which the entire sample found too difficult. Analyses: Reliability Reliability is used to measure consistency of answers for students. The accepted value of 0. Previous studies with C-Tests have provided reliability scores for a set of three c-tests used with Japanese ESL students in New Zealand at acceptable levels—0.
English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reviewer With Answers – Part 2 | Online E Learn
In the present study, the individual C-tests with 20 items each produced low to moderate alpha values for the analyses. The combined reliability coefficient for the total 60 items rose to nearly 0. Probably not of importance, but interest —these three items did fall one on each of the individual passages. The C-test Total. UN Total. LN Total. TU Total. UN Pearson Correlation 1. LN Pearson Correlation. TU Pearson Correlation. Table 3: Rho values for correlations among all tests and total scores for the three. The coefficients of the individual tests with an overall combined score, show the third test on the Tuatara contributed the most to that total score. Conclusion As pointed out above, it can be said in summary; these tests are powerful evaluators of ability and can be used for placement if well designed whether construct is called GLP or GCC. Design should include a native speaker evaluation, a reliability check, and an item analysis of how well each test item discriminates within a group of examinees.
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If test-takers in the sample all always get one or two of the words correct or incorrect—too easy or too difficult—it does not mean they have to be scored. A stencil can be used for marking which only allows scoring of items that show good discrimination. This is a quick way to score when only one or maybe two possible answers can be correct. In response to the suggested research questions, the Vietnamese sample has shown here their scores are acceptably reliable, and would probably be more so if the range of proficiency were expanded in the sample. The reliability score for the combination of the three tests is acceptable even though the range of ability demonstrated is limited to upper intermediate and advanced proficiency.
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Each individual test does not show coefficients high enough to evaluate the sample on its own, but the three tests together are fine. These three tests used in combination seem to work adequately as reliable and valid international indicators of general proficiency. Advanced proficiency generally implies higher order reading and vocabulary, and schema knowledge that goes with expanded exposure to global or academic issues and concepts found in that reading—not to mention more sophisticated or nuanced vocabulary.
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The negative skew and high median scores indicate the Vietnamese cohort overall found the tests somewhat easy. This may have been due to the streaming of students at entrance to the programme, as a minimum English proficiency may have been required for entrance or placement which would have limited the range of ability among the sample. Recommendations The next step forward in this investigation should be to expand the range of ability in the sample for Vietnamese. Further administrations of the tests to alternative ability groups should be attempted. The tests are included in the appendices for this purpose. Additionally, the same battery of C-Tests should be given to various ethnic groups for comparison and contrast of results in the DI, for example. The C-test as used here, seem to deliver the support in assessing students that is needed for accuracy and fairness, with a minimum amount of time needed in marking. Alderson, J. Testing proficiency and achievement: principles and practice.
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Coleman, R. Raatz Eds. University language testing and the C-Test. Language Teaching Research 1, Bachman, L. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Statistical analyses for language assessment. Baker, R. Classical test theory and item response theory in test analysis. Brown, J. A closer look at cloze: Validity and reliability. In Oller, J. Issues in Language Testing. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, Tailored cloze: Improved with classical item analysis and techniques.
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DepED English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reviewer Online & Download - Deped Teachers Club
You can register to take the test at your local testing centre. Length Four hours Format The test can be done in person or on the computer, though not all test centres offer both versions. The questions are a mix of multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and matching. The speaking test is done in person with another test taker and two examiners. One examiner conducts the test while the other evaluates you and the other test taker. Sections Reading and use of English 90 minutes , writing 90 minutes , listening 40 minutes , speaking 15 minutes Scoring Test takers can earn a grade of from lowest to highest B2, C, B, or A.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
English Proficiency Test With Answers Doc
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