[FREE] Web Development Exam Questions And Answers Pdf | latest!
The connection is closed only after data is sent back to the client or connection timeout occurs. The client then creates a new request when the connection is closed, thus restarting the loop. There are two important drawbacks that need to be...
[DOWNLOAD] Web Development Exam Questions And Answers Pdf | HOT!
The WebSocket protocol makes possible more interaction between a browser and a web site, facilitating live content and eliminates the need for the long polling paradigm. Which is method of continuously sending data from a server to the browser,...
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In this case the client may decide to replace its previously cached version with the newly returned resource and the new ETag. Explain the difference between stateless and stateful protocols. Which type of protocol is HTTP? Explain your answer. View answer A stateless communications protocol treats each request as an independent transaction. It therefore does not require the server to retain any session, identity, or status information spanning multiple requests from the same source. Similarly, the requestor can not rely on any such information being retained by the responder.
Multiple Choice Questions And Answers On Web Design
HTTP is a stateless protocol. HTTP does not require server to retain information or status about each user for the duration of multiple requests. Some web servers implement states using different methods using cookies, custom headers, hidden form fields etc. Provide an example. It is used as a standard way of classifying file types over the Internet. Web servers and browsers have a defined list of MIME types, which facilitates transfer of files of a known type, irrespective of operating system or browser. Both are methods used in HTTP requests.
Web Developer Interview Questions
We can send a lot more data using POST. There is more to interviewing than tricky technical questions, so these are intended merely as a guide. At the end of the day, hiring remains an art, a science — and a lot of work. Submit an interview question Submitted questions and answers are subject to review and editing, and may or may not be selected for posting, at the sole discretion of Toptal, LLC.
SE Exams Questions With Answers
Here we have created the top 25 questions that are generally asked for web designer interview questions. Must add them in your preparation now! Updated Q. What is website designing? Website Designing may be defined as front end architecture of websites using multiple skills and disciplines i. Though the front-end is also a highly popular professional term too. What is HTML? Everything you see on modern web browsers or internet are part of HTML only. Text, content, images , videos and almost everything is put inside HTML tags for users to view them on internet. What does CSS stand for? Cascading Style Sheets are the presentation or visual style of the web pages i. They are used in combination with HTML web pages to align them in a proper way. What is a CSS file? For what purpose it is used? These are the main style-sheet which are used for arranging HTML elements.
Top 17 Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers
There are three ways of adding CSS style sheets to the web layout. These values are defined on the basis as the page is rendered on user browser accordingly. What is an external style sheet? How can we link it? These stylesheets are imported from URL and most often are on the same server only but can also be called from different server. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file.? These are just specific instruction given to make those changes and aid in the future for any more adjustments easily rather than searching for the whole file as it may be too large.
50 ASP.NET Interview Questions And Answers (Download PDF)
What are HTML comment? HTML Comment tag are the basic instructions given with in any html layout and these are not displayed in browser and are just for informative purpose only. New tags, added functionality, animation, transition, Gradient, webfonts, SVG, figure tag, regular expressions, editing content within elements are some of the most popular features of HTML 5 version.
100 MCQ Questions For HTML And Web Page Designing
How many types of elements are defined in HTML5? In HTML there are basically two types of elements i. In HTML attributes provide more information about the various elements being used with in the web structure. For e. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles? Explain significance! A class can have multiple users within a single HTML layout while id is unique within a single layout and are recommended for JavaScript as well as script-based web development. What are self closing tags in HTML? What are basic technologies that go along with web designing A. So it is necessary to get acquainted with their basic rulings, script, layout, tags closing and more. It is also recommended to get working within script-based programming like PHP as you go advance skills for your future. How do fonts work with HTML?
Web Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Pdf - 1
Explain the term Web Safe fonts! Fonts are different calligraphy presentation of writing characters. Earlier Font tag was specifically used for making desired effects but with HTML5 font tag is depreciated now! Web Safe Fonts are those fonts which are available on the majority of the system all around the world. So users can have a similar calligraphic result for their fonts over the global internet with which fonts they were started with. How colors are used with HTML? These values then applied directly to get the desired effects accordingly.
Top 50 Web Development Interview Questions
This is a question and answer forum about Web Development. Please send your questions to me at john december. Question: How do I get started developing a Web site? Answer: Know your purpose. State it in a single sentence. Your Web site's purpose might be, for example, "to sell our line of products. Then state specific, measurable objectives that the site should accomplish. Question: What is the most common mistake Web developers make? Answer: A lack of understanding of the audience for the Web site. Understanding your audience means knowing their needs and expectations--what they do know, what they don't know. For example, a common error is when some sites that depend on an in-person visit such as the Web site of a restaurant, festival, or real-world store neglect to identify the city and state in which the store or physical event is located.
Web Development Exam Questions And Answers
The developers forget that the Web site is global. Another common audience error is to assume that they know about the navigation cues on a site. Having symbols, links on certain words, and modes of representing the information based on clicking on links makes a site hard to navigate. The audience needs to be able to find out the navigation scheme of a site. Ideally, the scheme should be self-evident, even to a brand new user. Question: What should I look for in a Web developer or agency I might hire? Answer: Ask the developers, "How can our needs be met with Web-based communication? If the developers start blabbing on about technology--how cool Javascript or frames, DHTML is for example--don't hire them.
Digital Marketing MCQs Questions And Answers Pdf
You don't want to pay for Web developers to play with technology, but rather accomplish your communication objectives. Question: What is the difference between "Web development" and "Web design. Web design, unfortunately, has come to represent only page layout and graphics issues. I look at Web design as encompassing far more than that--including issues such as hypertext navigation, thematic issues that have to do with the Web's purpose, and organizational issues about the Web site's file organization.
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I hope people who call themselves "Web designers" understand this, but I think many do not. Question: Isn't Web development just a user interface design issue? Answer: No. Because a Web isn't just an object without a rhetorical or social context. Developing a Web site isn't just about screen layout, ergonomic optimization, choosing the right colors, and labeling links and buttons correctly. I see a total set of processes that include issues that one might call "project management"--planning, analysis, design, implementation, promotion, and innovation--but actually have to do with the ancient art of rhetoric and techniques of human communication. Question: What education would you recommend to be a Web developer? Answer: Study human communication -- technical communication , writing, rhetoric, composition , computer-mediated communication , etc. Know how to identify an audience and shape communication in a variety of means speech, text, multimedia to deliver a message. Even advertising or public relations should be good fields for Web developers to study.
Webdesign Final Exam
Web developers should be aware of implementation issues, but unless you are going to be a specialist Web implementer, you don't need to study a lot of technical issues in depth. In other words, I think Web development has matured as a field to a point where there are specialties within it--technical, creative, managerial, etc. Question: If I have a running site right now, what is the best thing to do to improve it? Answer: Get some outside feedback. Developers are often not trained in human communication and make entirely too many assumptions about what an audience knows about the site's content or navigation cues. Feedback from experts in communication should help you.
Top 100 JavaScript Interview Questions And Answers For 2021
Definitely feedback from the audience can help--but you have to understand that excellent communication is usually structured intelligently. The structure shouldn't necessarily be run by a poll or a popular vote, or based on audience members who may have a very incorrect idea about what the site is all about. Question: What do you think are the best Web sites? Answer: Those that unabashedly focus on their purpose and have a strong sense of their audience. Answer: If you have a project that one person can do in their head, that is fine--no need for cooperation, a team, or even a process approach. But in general, most professional Web developers are in situations where projects are big and success needs to be reliable. I think a person with no training and no cooperation with others could produce a fantastic Web site.
300+ TOP HTML & Web Page Designing Questions And Answers
But I think Web developers can be trained to do a better job more reliably with a documented, process approach in which tasks and products of those tasks are systematically identified. Question I noticed that you owned the domain name december. I'm wondering, for future reference, what money and resources are involved in attaining and maintaining a web domain? I know that some ISPs allow you to store files on their server with your own domain name, but I am still wondering about other options. If you could help me in any way, I would be greatly appreciative.
Web Programming MCQs For Placement And Interview - Set 3
Thank you for your time. In fact, I recommend it. My costs for december. Of course, a domain name is just one cost of doing business. There are other administrative and technical costs involved.
10 Essential Web Development Interview Questions And Answers | Toptal®
Are you a job seeker? Find jobs What are the responsibilities of a web developer? See answer What sparked your interest in web development? See answer What is W3C and why is it important? See answer In what programming languages are you proficient? See answer What steps do you take to balance demanding client requirements? See answer How well do you handle constructive criticism about your web development projects? Can you give me an example? See answer Can you explain how you optimize and reduce web application load time? Can you tell me what the difference is between front-end development and back-end development? In which area do you have more experience? What is your process for running tests on websites and applications? How do you maintain up-to-date knowledge on programming languages and software trends? Which do you have more experience with, developing desktop applications or mobile applications?
HTML Mcq Questions And Answer | HTML Programming || Web Design
Do you enjoy working with other web developers to complete projects? Can you provide me with an example? What industries have you worked in as a web developer? How can your areas of experience contribute to our company? You have four projects due on the same day. How do you structure your time to ensure the completion of each project by the required deadline? Have you ever created a code library? If so, what is its purpose? A web developer should fully understand their role and how they contribute to web design and development. This question will help you find out how a candidate plans to support the team and what tasks they will take ownership of. A developer gathers and defines requirements, maintains websites, troubleshoots and fixes bugs, follows best practices and collaborates with other teams. Did the candidate want to become a web developer at an early age? Are they self-taught?
Web Designer Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers
Learning why a candidate chose web development can help determine their level of passion and commitment to the profession. I became fascinated the ability a web developer has to be imaginative, artistic and technical, while developing a product that benefits and inspires others. A web developer should take responsibility for the content they produce, see that it is accessible by all users and follows W3C standards. This question will let you know if a candidate has a working knowledge and respect of W3C.
Web Development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript Interview Question And Answer
As a web developer, enforcing these standards ensures that web content is accessible in all browsers to reach all audiences, as well as optimizes the user experience. Almost half of all users want a web page to load within two seconds. Ask this question to learn if a candidate is aware of the impact that page load time has on the user experience, and how a web developer should analyze data and track improvements to optimize load time. My go-to tool for evaluating site speed is Google PageSpeed Insights.
(PDF) Webdesign Final Exam | Ekramul Kabir - 1medicoguia.com
In one instance, I successfully reduced page load time from 2. A web developer can appreciate how it makes applications simpler and faster by reducing load times and improving communication between browsers and servers. I would love to expand my web developer skills to include Python and am currently researching the right Python course to take in my free time. A web developer may face unexpected challenges, including short turnaround times and overly-ambitious clients. Gaining a clear understanding of how a candidate handles this type of situation will help you understand their priorities and thought processes. Keeping a client pleased is a high priority, although I am not interested in producing buggy code and taking ineffective shortcuts to damage the final product. I keep the client informed of my progress and work efficiently to complete the task. Web developers use coding languages to create websites and web applications for clients.
Past Exam Papers
This process usually requires several rounds of corrections in response to client critiques, with the ultimate goal being client satisfaction. This question helps interviewers gauge a candidate's ability to handle constructive criticism. It also highlights the value a candidate places on client feedback and their ability to represent their employer in a professional way.
14 Web Development Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes
The candidate's answer should emphasize: Devotion to the client's vision Customer service skills This is an example of how a candidate might respond to this question: Example: "Through my years of experience as a web developer, I've learned how important constructive criticism is in order to deliver products that meet a client's vision. When I was in an entry-level developer role, I worked on a web application project for an online store. I was really proud of my work and felt I'd done everything I could to meet the original client criteria.
Web Developer Interview Questions And Answers -
After two rounds of corrections, I realized that constructive feedback is a way for clients to refine their needs. Receiving constructive feedback also helped me hone my skills and learn more about the client to maximize future projects.
PHP Questions & Answers
What is the difference between ViewState and SessionState? How you can submit a form using JavaScript? To submit a form using JavaScript use document. Does JavaScript support automatic type conversion? Yes, JavaScript does support automatic type conversion. It is the common way of type conversion used by JavaScript developers It can be done in the following way: document. How to read and write a file using JavaScript? What are all the looping structures in JavaScript? Following are looping structures in Javascript: For Do-while loops What is called Variable typing in Javascript? Variable typing is used to assign a number to a variable. The same variable can be assigned to a string.
Front-end Developer Handbook 2021
Example: This is called variable typing. How can you convert the string of any base to an integer in JavaScript? The parseInt function is used to convert numbers between different bases. The second parameter is the base of the given string. To convert 4F or base 16 to integer, the code used will be - parseInt "4F", 16 ; Since 3 and 2 are integers, they will be added numerically. And since 7 is a string, its concatenation will be done. So the result would be How to detect the operating system on the client machine?
Free Sample Questions / Practice Test For Associate Web Developer Exam (Simulado) | OutSystems
In order to detect the operating system on the client machine, the navigator. Platform string property should be used. The NULL value is used to represent no value or no object. It implies no object or null string, no valid boolean value, no number, and no array object. What is the function of the delete operator? The delete keyword is used to delete the property as well as its value. What is an undefined value in JavaScript?
Web Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Pdf - 1
Undefined value means the Variable used in the code doesn't exist Variable is not assigned to any value Property does not exist. What are all the types of Pop up boxes available in JavaScript? Alert Prompt What is the use of Void 0? Void 0 is used to prevent the page from refreshing, and parameter "zero" is passed while calling. Void 0 is used to call another method without refreshing the page. How can a page be forced to load another page in JavaScript? What is the data type of variables in JavaScript? All variables in JavaScript are object data types. What is the difference between an alert box and a confirmation box?
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Web Development Exam Questions And Answers Pdf
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