[FREE] Merchant Of Venice Test Questions And Answers Pdf | new!
Answer: Morocco is dark complexioned, fierce- looking youngman. He is proud of his dark skin. He adds that his dark complexion has frightened many brave warriors and the best regarded virgins of his country also like him for his dark skin. Answer:...
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Answer: Portia is actually referring to the lottery of caskets. According to the will of her late father, she would have to marry that man who chooses the right casket. That is why she calls the lottery of caskets the lottery of her destiny. I feel...
Merchant Of Venice Q&A
The other half will go into the private treasury of the state. What does this reveal of her character? Answer: Portia plays a very significant role in this scene. As a doctor of law, she turns the tables on Shylock and saves Antonio from the clutches of the cruel Jew. Give me your hand, Bassanio: fare you well! Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you; For herein Fortune shows herself more kind Than is her custom: it is still her use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age of poverty; from which lingering penance Of such misery doth she cut me off. To whom are these words addressed? Answer: This scene is set in a court of justice in Venice.
Merchant Of Venice Quiz 1
These words are addressed to Portia. Answer: Antonia means to say that Bassanio should not feel sad after his death. He should not blame himself thinking that it was due to him that Antonio signed the fatal bond and fell a victim to the treachery of Shylock. Answer: After speaking these lines Antonio instructs Bassanio to convey his compliments to his honourable wife. He should also tell his wife the manner in which Antonio met his end. Above all, Bassanio should tell his wife how much he Antonio loved him Bassanio. Answer: In response to this speech Bassanio tells Antonio that he is now a married man. He loves his wife very much. Answer: Antonio concludes his speech telling Bassanio that he is making this sacrifice for him but he does not repent it.
The Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : Portia : As from her lord, her governor, her king. What has just taken place which makes Portia to speak these words? What was the inscription given in the lead casket? Portia is overjoyed at this. Answer: Looking at the portrait of Portia, Bassanio says that some semi-divine artist has made this portrait. It is so lifelike.
Merchant Of Venice-Test Study Guide
The eyes seem to move and the lips seem to part to say something. It is really excellent. What does Portia ask him to do? His creditors have become. What was the work assigned to him by Portia? Answer: Balthazar is the trusted servant of Portia. She asks him to go to Padua immediately and deliver a letter to her cousin Dr.
Merchant Of Venice Test Questions And Answers
Moreover, whatever papers or garments he might give to him, he must bring them to her at a very fast speed. What similarity do we find between Portia and Antonio? What does this scene reveal about the character of Portia? Give a reason to justify your answer. Answer: Portia plans to appear in the court disguised as a representative of Dr. Both Portia and Antonio are very sincere.
Merchant Of Venice Act 4 Questions And Answers
Both of them love Bassanio and are ready to do anything for him. As soon as she sends Bassanio, she decides to send Balthazar to Dr. Bellario to seek legal opinion and help from him in the case of Antonio. Why did the speaker appeal to the Jew for mercy? Earlier who else in the play appealed for mercy? Answer: The speaker is Portia dressed as a doctor of laws. The speaker appealed to the Jew for mercy to diminish the force of his demand for strict justice.
The Merchant Of Venice Test | Final Test - Medium
She added that if he still insisted on his demand of a pound of flesh, the strict court of Venice would have to pronounce a judgement against Antonio. Earlier the Duke himself had appealed to Shylock to show mercy. Answer: The speaker has stated that mercy is shown by human beings as naturally and spontaneously as the gentle drops of rain fall from the sky above down to the ground below. Secondly, mercy is the most powerful feeling in those who have the highest authority. It suits a king more than his crown. Mercy is greater than the worldly authority which is symbolized by the sceptre which he holds. Thirdly, mercy is the essential quality of God who is the supreme power of the universe. Earthly power acquires a divine quality when a man softens the rigours of the demands of justice by showing mercy. What does he insist on? It is the symbol of fear which kingship inspires in others.
The Merchant Of Venice Act 1 Scene 2 ICSE Board Exam Questions And Answers
But mercy is higher and greater than the worldly authority which is symbolized by rod. He takes full responsibility for his act. He persists in his demand. He asks Portia to enforce the law and let him have the penalty specified in the bond which Antonio has forfeited. Why is Bassanio snubbed. Answer: Bassanio is ready to pay twice the borrowed money.
Merchant Of Venice Workbook Answer
If that is not sufficient, he is ready to pay ten times that amount. If even this is not enough, he is ready to forfeit his hands and his heart. Bassanio asks Portia disguised as doctor of laws to bend the law once and use the authority of the court to do what is morally right to save the life of Antonio. But Portia, snubs him saying that there is no power that can change the established law of Venice. Substantiate your answer with examples from the text. Answer: The trial scene shows that Shylock is a revengeful and bloodthirsty man. He turns down the apeals of the Duke and Portia for mercy and insists on having a pound of flesh.
ICSE Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers
He is offered ten times the amount of the borrowed money but he refuses it. He wants only revenge. Secondly, the scene shows that Shylock is firm in his resolve. He bluntly tells Portia that there is no power in the tongue of man to alter his. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : Portia : ….
The Merchant Of Venice Questions & Answers | GraspingOwl
But this reasoning is not in the fashion to choose me a husband. I may neither choose whom I would, nor refuse whom I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father.
The Merchant Of Venice Short Answer Test - Answer Key
To get his ships out to sea b. To pay for his daughter s wedding c. To court Portia, a rich heiress d. To pay off his debts 2: When Antonio borrows the money on behalf of Bassanio from Shylock, what are the moneylender s terms? An exorbitant rate of interest b. No interest, but a pound of Antonio s flesh if the repayment is late c. No interest, but Antonio s daughter s hand in marriage if the repayment is late d. A pound of Bassanio s flesh for every day the repayment is late 3: Shylock dislikes Antonio intensely because Antonio a. Ducats, silver, and paper b. Jewels, silver, and lead c. Gold, silver, and tin d. Gold, silver, and lead 5: Bassanio chooses the lead casket, which contains a. He is disinherited by his family. He is robbed. His ships have been lost at sea. He has been deceived by a friend. Spill a drop of his blood b. Hurt him in any way c. Leave a single mark d. Make any noise 8: What does Portia disguised as a lawyer want as a "remembrance" for her legal services?
The Merchant Of Venice | Literature Quiz - Quizizz
Half of Shylock s wealth c. A ring d. One of Antonio s ships 9: Who eventually leaves Shylock? Launcelot Gobbo and Jessica b. Lorenzo and Tubal c. Leonardo and Nerissa d. Balthasar and Stephano What does Shylock bring with him to the courtroom? A monkey b. Leah s ring c. Jessica s picture d. A knife and scales 3 Which of the female characters disguise themselves as boys during the course of the play? None of them b. All of them c. Portia and Nerissa d. Portia and Jessica Which of the following characters does not get married at the end of the play? Portia b. Gratiano c. Antonio d. Jessica Who says the following: "By yonder moon, I swear you do me wrong. Antonia b. Bassanio c. Gratiano d. Portia Who says the following: "Hath not a Jew eyes? Lorenzo b. Tubal c. Jessica d. Shylock Who says the following: " It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. Antonio b. Portia d. Shylock 4 Jessica B. Launcelot C. Lorenzo The young Venetians like to compare themselves to A.
The Merchant Of Venice Questions & Answers
The episode of the rings might be said to show A. In joking about her German suitor, Portia suggests A. Hanging and wiving are said to be alike because A. Shylock's hoarded gold The casket picked by the Prince of Arragon is the wrong one because A. The song "Tell me where is fancy bred" says that A. Shylock hates Antonio because I. II only B. I and III only C. I, II and IV only 5 In The Merchant of Venice, love and money are A. Jessica's disguise C. Bassanio's failure to recognize Portia when she is dressed as a man The lead casket is the right choice because A. Tubal added to Shylock's woes by telling him A.
Test Answers Answer Key To Merchant Of Venice Workbook
One sign of Gratiano's excessive wildness is his A. Nerissa says that it is easiest to be happy if you are A. The reason that Portia's father set up the test of the caskets is that A. Portia might have married a fortune hunter otherwise B. Antonio pledges a pound of his own flesh because A. In the trial scene, "I am content" is said by A. Bassanio B. Shylock C. Is Shylock justified in his hatred for Antonio? Explain the test of the caskets. What superior values does mercy have over justice? What are the hypocrisies of the Christian society in the play? Explain the significance of the trial scene. What are the comic interludes provided and how do they provide relief? Discuss the characters of Antonio and Shylock, underlining their similarities and differences. What is Portia's role in the play? Comment on Antonio s motivation. Are his stated motives sufficient to account for his words and actions in the play?
The Merchant Of Venice Multiple Choice Test Answer Key
Why does Shylock hate Antonio? Ans: Shylock hates Antonio because he used to lend money to people in distress and would never take any interest for the money he lent. How does Antonio help Bassanio? Ans: Bassanio, who was in love with a rich and beautiful lady called Portia, needed money to propose her. He went to Antonio and asked him three thousand ducats. Antonio had no ready money to give as he had invested all his money in trade.
The Merchant Of Venice Short Answer Test - Answer Key | 1medicoguia.com
Being eager to provide money with his friend, he borrowed it from his enemy Shylock by signing a dreadful bond that if he failed to repay the money on time. Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from his body. How does Shylock feel when Antonio asks for some money? Why is he interested to pay the required sum? Ans: Shylock feels happy when Antonio asks for some money because it is the right opportunity for him to catch Antonio into the trap.
English Literature - ...
He is interested to pay the required sum to him in order to take revenge of the shames he has put upon him and to kill him as his rival in Business. What condition does Shylock put forth if the debt Is not paid in time? Ans: Shylock made a condition if Antonio fell to pay the debt in time that he would cut off a pound of flesh from his any part of the body. How does Bassanio marry Portia? Ans: Bassanio was in love with Portia who lived in the city of Belmont.
(PDF) Merchant Of Venice Workbook Answer | Bhagyesh Maske - 1medicoguia.com
He asked three thousand ducats to his friend Antonio who borrowed it from Shylock and gave it to him. Thus Bassanio succeeded in winning the hand of Portia by the help of Antonio. Who is disguised as the learned counsellor Doctor Balthasar? Why has he come to the court of Venice? Ans: Portia, wife of Bassanio is disguised as the learned counsellor Doctor Balthasar. He has come to the court of Venice to plead for Antonio.
Merchant Of Venice Quizzes | GradeSaver
He appealed him to have mercy on Antonio but to no effect. How does Portia get back her ring? Ans: When Bassanio asked Portia to accept a gift she suggested that he could give her the ring on his finger. He replied that the ring had been given to him by his wife and had made him promise to never part with it. Portia turned away pretending to be angry. Antonio insisted Bassanio to give her the ring as she had done a great service him. Bassanio could not say no to Antonio who had risked his life for him, unwillingly gave away the ring to Portia. Thus she got her ring back by her intelligence. The beginning of the play describes the hatred of Antonio for an old jew, Shylock who charges a very high rate of Interest on his lent money to the needy. Shylock also hatches a plan to revenge the hatred of Antonio. He does not want to lose her beloved at any cost. Sacrifice is yet another theme reflected in the play. Antonio is an epitome of sacrifice. He lends his money to the needy without charging any interest.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Merchant Of Venice Test Questions And Answers Pdf
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