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Ebook Help: M500a1 Nko Answers: Legally
A danger message is an Operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed WILL result in death or serious injury, or threatens the primary mission of the ship. A warning message is an operation procedure, practice, or condition that may result in injury or DEATH. A caution message is an operating procedure, practice, or condition that may result in damage to equipment. M16A3 What is the maximum range in meters of the M16 Rifle 3, meters What is the cyclic rate of fire in automatic mode for the M4A1 rifle?
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Bolt Carrier Assembly Which major component group consists of the base plate, follower, and housing? Cartridge Magazine Assembly Which major component group holds cartridges ready for feeding and provides a guide for positioning cartridges for stripping? Buttstock Assembly During which Cycle of Operation does the bolt close on the cartridge and the extractor attaches itself to the extracting groove around the base of the cartridge case? Chambering During which Cycle of Operation does the trigger release the firing pin, causing it to move forward with enough force to discharge the round? Firing What is the name of the safety feature that blocks the movement of the trigger preventing disengagement of the sear surfaces between the trigger and the hammer, thus preventing the weapon from firing should trigger be pulled.
Sere 100.2 Test Answers
Safety What is the name of the safety feature that is designed to ensure that when the trigger is held rearward after a round is fired, in semiautomatic, it will catch the hammer hook. Sear Disconnector A clearing barrel provides a safe direction in which to point a weapon when performing which of the following functions? Select, from the list below, the six M16 Rifle, "Ready Carry" steps that apply. Firing hand around the pistol grip. Which action is not associated with transferring the weapon to another? Release the bolt catch and observe the bolt going forward on an empty chamber. What is the first step in the "Show Clear" transfer for the M16 Rifle? Rifle is in Condition 4 with the bolt locked to the rear. What is the first step performed by the person receiving the weapon in a "Show Clear" transfer? Ensure the safety selector is in the safe position. Which weapon condition code is identified by the following actions: Safety on, magazine removed, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed.
Nko M9 Service Pistol Posttest Answers
Weapon Condition Code 4 Which weapon condition code is identified by the following actions: Safety on, magazine inserted, round in chamber, bolt forward. Weapon Condition Code 1 Which weapon condition code is identified by the following actions: Safety on, magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed. Weapon Condition Code 3 Which weapon condition code is not applicable to this weapon Weapon Condition Code 2 The action of taking the weapon from Condition 4 to Condition 1 is associated with which of the following weapon handling commands?
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Load and Make Ready The action of taking the weapon from Condition 1 or 3 to Condition 4 is associated with which of the following weapon handling commands? Unload During weapon fieldstripping a screwdriver or pry bar tool is used to remove the handguards. False When disassembling the magazine, turn magazine away from face to prevent possible injury. True If your weapon is equipped with a removable carrying handle assembly, remove the round nuts on the left side of the carrying handle. False If the Magazine spring comes loose from the follower, pliers can be used to reattach the spring to the follower. False The first step to reassemble the bolt carrier assembly is to insert cam pin with firing pin hole aligned front to rear and pull bolt forward to locked position. Select all that apply.
Nko M500 Posttest Answers
Place the bolt carrier assembly disassembly steps in the right order. Remedial Action is the process of investigating the cause of a stoppage, clearing the stoppage, and returning the M16 to operation. True A malfunction is a failure of the weapon causing an interruption in the cycle of operation. False When a stoppage occurs, the rifle must be repaired by an armorer. False What is an unintentional interruption in the cycle of operation commonly referred to as? Stoppage Many stoppages can be prevented by keeping the weapon clean and well lubricated. Slap, Load, Observe, Release, Tap, Shoot Which type of problem usually occurs as a result of not seating the magazine? Bolt is forward The remedial action steps below would be used to fix which problem? Press the magazine catch releasing the magazine, remove the empty magazine, and stow it on person if time permits 2. Insert a filled magazine into the magazine well and tug downward on the magazine to ensure it is properly seated 3.
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Pull the charging handle to the rear and then release it to allow the bolt to move forward and chamber a round 4. Sight in and attempt to fire Bolt is locked to rear Which common stoppage is characterized by a double feed? Brass Is Obstructing the Chamber Area Which problem listed below is associated with a lower report and reduced recoil.
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Saturday, May 29, 2021
M500 Nko Posttest Answers
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