Friday, May 28, 2021

Hinduism Test Questions And Answers

  • [DOWNLOAD] Hinduism Test Questions And Answers | updated!

    Hinduism is a unique religion in many ways. The word "hindu" comes from Hind, which is a Persian word for India. Yahoo Answers Hinduism is an extremely diverse religion. Although some tenets of the faith are accepted by most Hindus, scholars have...

  • [FREE] Hinduism Test Questions And Answers | latest

    It's really a fascinating religion, but not the path I found to be true, but I Today it is the third-largest religion behind Christianity and Islam. Hinduism Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for followers of the Hindu religion and those...

  • Bhagavad Gita Related 23 Questions With Answers For Quizzes, Exams

    Exploring questions related to Hinduism in a rational, contemporary and comprehensive In fact, it cannot be defined precisely as any other religion can be. However, the following description thereof by a foreign thinker is nearer the mark than any other: HInduism "is Provided the students write sincerely, the model Conclusion: At the macro level, the border areas between two states of India Southern kings patronized Shaivite and Vaishnavite branches of Hinduism- so accordingly there are internal differences in temples Unlike other religions, Hindus view their faith as an all-encompassing way of life with a complex system that comprises beliefs and traditions, an advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, philosophy, and theology.

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  • More Short Answers To Real Questions About Hinduism

    What is the status of women in the practice of Hinduism? What is the meaning of the Swastika? Contrary to the hateful and violent meaning the Swastika has come to take on since its misappropriation by the Nazis, the original Swastika as pictured below is an ancient and holy symbol of auspiciousness and good fortune. It is still commonly used at the entrance of Hindu homes, in temples, and on invitations to auspicious occasions such as weddings and other rites of passage. The Swastika is also a sacred symbol for Buddhist, Jains, and Sikhs.

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  • Worship (Hinduism) Test Questions

    I've heard some Hindus use the term "Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana Dharma and Hinduism are synonymous. Over the millennia until today, the diverse adherents of Sanatana Dharma or Hindus include those who, amongst other concepts, are inspired by the Vedas and other Hindu sacred texts; accept that there are multiple paths to, perspectives on, and ways to worship the one all-pervasive Ultimate Reality, Absolute, Divine, or Consciousness Brahman ; acknowledge an underlying unity of all existence; understand life to be shaped by the law of karma and reincarnation; view dharma or right living as both a responsibility and way of being that is most conducive to spiritual growth; and see liberation moksha as an ultimate goal. Do Hindus have Commandments? For a Hindu, all actions are to be guided by dharma.

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  • Hinduism Trivia And Quizzes

    Of the ten, five are yamas or guides for social behavior and five are niyamas, or guides for personal behavior. The five yamas include non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, sexual responsibility and abstention from greed. The five niyamas include cleanliness, contentment, austerity, scriptural study and loving devotion to Ultimate Reality, Divine, or Absolute. What is moksha? Moksha is characterized by the overcoming of spiritual ignorance; the complete elimination of material desires and attachments; the perfected ability to live in the present moment and experience absolute peace; and most importantly, the awakening of pure compassion towards all. Moksha also translates to liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth samsara.

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  • Multiple Choice Questions

    Someone may attain moksha during his or her lifetime or upon the death of his or her physical body. What is the red dot many Hindu women wear on their forehead? Traditionally, bindis were red or maroon in color, circular in shape, made of vermilion paste kumkum , and applied with the ring finger of the right hand. Today, bindis come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and are often self-adhesive for convenience.

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  • The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Questions And Answers – PDF Download

    The male version of forehead markings is called a tilak and can be made of kumkum, sandalwood or sacred ash. It is applied in a variety of shapes including lines, U-shapes and dots. The adornment of tilaks are not as prevalent as bindis. However, the marking of either is amongst the first requisite steps in most rituals and sacred ceremonies. Both bindis and tilaks are placed approximately one centimeter above the center of the eyebrows, which is considered to be the sixth chakra, ajna, in Kundalini Yoga. The bindi is associated with the worship of the Ultimate Reality as the feminine divine. Bindis and tilaks may also represent interdependence of both the feminine and masculine aspects of the Ultimate Reality.

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  • Hinduism Questions - All Grades

    How often is a Hindu supposed to pray? Prayer is integral to Hindu practice. Many Hindus follow set, obligatory guidelines in terms of specificity of prayers as well as timing, frequency and length while others may be more fluid and individualized in their practice. One is not necessarily guaranteed moksha upon the performance of certain types or amounts of prayer nor is anyone condemned for lack of prayer, but progress towards moksha is proportional to spiritual effort.

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  • What Americans Know About Religion

    Hindus may pray at a personal, home altar which is usually placed in a room or space dedicated for worship; at a temple; or wherever they may be and without an altar. Prayers may be to a specific deity or set of deities or to no deity in particular. Chanting of time specific slokas, including upon waking, while bathing, while lighting a sacred oil lamp, prior to eating, before studying and prior to retiring for the day Chanting of slokas for peace and universal well-being including nature Singing of devotional poems Studying scripture Do Hindus believe in heaven or hell? Because Hindus believe in karma and reincarnation, the concept of heaven and hell as worlds of eternal glory or damnation do not exist in Hinduism. Hindus also do not ascribe to the concept of Satan or devil that is in eternal opposition to God or the Ultimate Reality. These are respectively svarga and naraka. Neither svarga or naraka, however, are permament or eternal.

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  • Download Model Answers Hinduism A Level:

    Both are intermediary planes of existence in which the atman might exhaust a portion of its karmic debt or surplus before taking physical birth once again to strive for moksha. The depiction of some Gods and Goddesses deities as blue toned is an example of the importance of symbolism in Hinduism. Blue, the color of the sky, represents the limitlessness of the sky and universe. Blue is also the color of water, which is life-sustaining. Because Hinduism teaches that all of nature is Divine, Hindus believe that the Ultimate Reality manifests in the various forms that are found in nature, including animals, rivers, mountains and earth.

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  • What Is Hinduism?

    For example, Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles, is depicted with an elephant head which symbolizes wisdom, as elephants are recognized to be among the wisest of animals. Do Hindus belong to different denominations? If so, can they intermarry? Hinduism is not divided by denomination, but by other categories, including deity traditions, sampradaya, parampara and darsana. Most Hindus belong to one of four major deity traditions — Shaivas, Shaktas, Vaishnavas, and Smartas. While all traditions share many beliefs and practices, the central deity worshipped as well as certain philosophical tenets differ. Shaivas primarily worship different forms of Lord Shiva, Shaktas worship Shakti or the Divine Mother in Her various forms, Vaishnavas worship forms of Lord Vishnu and Smartas worship different forms of six major deities including Lord Shiva, Shakti, Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Surya, holding them all to be forms of Brahman, the eternal, infinite, unchanging principle that is the substratum of the universe and is both immanent and transcendent.

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  • Questions About India, Hinduism, & Buddhism

    Each deity tradition may also further branch into sampradayas. Hindus may also freely choose between different sampradayas based on their liking and understanding. A sampradaya following a particular lineage or succession of swamis is said to be of a particular parampara. Hindus of different deity traditions, sampradaya and parampara can intermarry although many choose to marry within these branches for a variety of reasons. Over the ages, various philosophical or theological schools developed in Hinduism through a dynamic tradition of intelligent inquiry and debate. From timeless and universal questions such as the purpose of life to the relationship between humans and the Divine emerged many philosophical schools or darshana. These schools very often approach the same texts and teachings, but from different perspectives and arriving at different conclusions. While each school is comprehensive and complex, they are succinctly summarized below: Vaisheshika: considered one of the most ancient atomic theories founded by Sage Kanada.

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  • Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Hinduism?: HowStuffWorks

    Sage Kanada held that all matter is made up of atoms and these atoms are activated through Divine intervention. Vaisheshika and Nyaya eventually merged. Nyaya: a system of logic proving the existence of the Divine as well as other core Hindu concepts such as karma. Nyaya insists that nothing is acceptable unless it is in accordance with reason and experience. The thoroughness of Nyaya logic and epistemology greatly influenced succeeding orthodox and unorthodox schools of thought. Sankhya: considered one of the oldest schools of thought. Sankhya divides all of existence into two categories — Purusha divine consciousness and prakriti matter. Very little Sankhya literature survives today, and there is some controversy over whether or not the system is dualistic because it propounds the existence of these two categories. Mimamsa or Purva Mimamsa: interprets the rules of Vedic ritual, proffering perfection in ritual as a path towards moksha.

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  • Ganges Quiz: Questions And Answers

    Major subschools of Vedanta include Advaita, Dvaita, and Visishtaadvaita. What are the major Hindu holidays? Holidays and ways of celebrating those holidays are as richly diverse as the family of traditions called Hinduism. However, there are certain holidays that have come to be widely celebrated throughout the Hindu diaspora. Generally, Hindu holidays may commemorate a particular deity, season or event in history. Often times the same holiday may celebrate several different events or attributes of a variety of manifestations of the Divine God or Deity.

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  • 66 Ramayana Trivia Questions & Answers : Hinduism

    The most popularly worshiped manifestations of the feminine divine include Goddess Durga representing the Mother Goddess and Shakti Divine Energy , Goddess Saraswati representing knowledge, speech and the arts and Goddess Lakshmi, representing good health, wealth and prosperity. Many fasts and rituals associated with Navaratri are exclusive to women. All of these celebrations may include fasting, temple visits, special rituals, chanting of mantras, singing of devotional prayers, dancing and all-night vigils. Seasonal Celebrations Makara Sankranti, Uttarayana or Pongal January 14 — one of the few solar holidays that marks the transition of the Sun into Capricorn or Makara rashi on its celestial path and the northward journey of the sun. It also broadly coincides with the winter harvest in many parts of India. Hindus thank God for the bountiful harvest and may pay homage to Goddess Saraswati on this day as well as to ancestors. It also celebrates triumph over divisiveness and negativity.

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  • Indian Culture Quiz Online Test – GK Questions And Answers

    A visually stunning event with people tossing colored powders in the air and using dyed water in an atmosphere where culture, camaraderie and oneness are honored. In the evening, the community lights bonfires and eats festive foods. It also marks the solar new year for Hindus in Nepal and the Indian states of Kerala, Orissa, West Bengal, and other regions with celebrations paying homage to various regional deities. For Sikhs, Vaisakhi is especially signficant as commemorating the establishment of the Khalsa collective family of all initiated Sikhs in Sisters tie a decorative sacred thread or amulet on the right wrist of her brothers often including distant cousins and friends considered honorary brothers with her prayers for his protection and well-being while sweets are exchanged. In return, brothers give their sisters small tokens or gifts of appreciation. The word refers to rows of earthen lamps celebrants place around their homes.

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  • Bhagavad-Gita Essay Questions | GradeSaver

    The light from these lamps symbolizes the illumination within the individual that can overwhelm ignorance, represented by darkness. I read that yoga can't be claimed by any religion. Isn't yoga a Hindu practice? Yoga refers to spiritual disciplines that are essential to the understanding and practice of Hinduism. Yoga is a way of life that combines both physical and spiritual exercises, entails mastery over the body, mind and emotional self, and transcendence of desire. The ultimate goal is moksha. But a perusal of the best known Yoga texts will demonstrate the contrary. The remainder focuses on what is essentially Hindu philosophy. Yet, even when Yoga is practiced solely in the form of an exercise, its Hindu roots cannot be avoided. As the legendary Yoga guru B. Do I have to be Hindu to practice yoga? Hinduism, as a non-proselytizing religion, never compels practitioners of yoga to profess allegiance to the faith or convert.

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  • AP Human Geography - Religion | Other Quiz - Quizizz

    Explore the fascinating land of Bollywood, cricket, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramayana and Mahabharata, Shiva and Ganesh, Taj Mahal and so many other fascinating and exotic places and things. Answer interesting questions and learn about Indian economy, Indian political GK, historical places in India, sports trivia, 29 states and its capital cities. Test your history and geography general knowledge with educational India quiz games for kids and adults to play and learn. The game stops as soon as you provide 3 wrong answers. India general knowledge quiz questions and answers - India gk quiz app download.

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  • Hinduism Quiz | Other Quiz - Quizizz

    Test your general knowledge about India with quiz on India with answers brain test quiz for kids and adults. Get this awesome latest gk quiz on Indian mythology, quiz on Indian history, Indian constitution, Indian polity, Hindu religion. You can practice general knowledge questions and answers for competitive exams, learn India gk and try to pass the best current affairs quiz app Learn all kind of fun trivia — from legends of Vishnu, Lakshmi , Shiva, Sati, Brahma and Saraswati to Asia continent characteristics, Bollywood actors and actresses and popular food like chutney or curry. Current general knowledge with gk questions and answers. Answer interesting questions about gk and current affairs - Hinduism, Indian geography and Indian history quiz, Indian states, Indian books and authors and other famous people.

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  • U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey | Pew Research Center

    If you like educational quiz games with interesting and intelligent questions and answers and free quizzes for kids and adults, try out this fun general knowledge test game with geography, history, general culture and interesting facts questions. Discover all the famous Indian people, writers, actors, singers, leaders, mysterious Hindu gods and goddesses, learn about Indian history and geography, play India states and capitals quiz and India map games.

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  • Hinduism And Buddhism Activities

    Download educational world gk quiz app - free trivia quiz. India quiz questions and answers on current affairs, geography quiz, history quiz, religion, population and more in one awesome game of questions. For some, gk in Hindi is the impossible quiz challenge with too difficult questions. How much do you know about all states of India, famous personalities of India, big cities, Indian food, literature, movies, sport stars, popular TV series and other basic general knowledge of India? GK India general knowledge quiz game of India. Get one of the top trivia quiz games India and most fun quizzes for free - general knowledge quiz on India, Ramayana and Mahabharata, haryana gk India quiz game for kids and adults. You don't have to play gk question and answer in Hindi to really learn about states and capitals of India, explore political map of India, learn about geography of India, history of India, Indian gods and all the other fun facts.

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  • Indian Culture Quiz Online Test - GK Questions And Answers -

    Can you name the oldest major religion in the world? That term was created by British explorers. Many also call it Hindu Dharma. How many people practice Hinduism? About million. Most followers of Hinduism—95 percent—live in India. There are many ways to practice Hinduism. However, most Hindus have some beliefs in common. For example, unity is very important in Hinduism. The religion has one God who takes many forms. This spirit is also connected to all souls. In Hinduism, people may choose to worship or pray to one god form in particular. One might focus on Vishnu, the god who protects the universe. Others might pray to Saraswati, the goddess of learning.

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  • [MCQ Set] Buddhism – Jainism> GK Objective Questions

    The Hindu God comes in millions of forms. Two very important deities in Hinduism are Brahma, the creator, and Shiva, the destroyer. Hindus believe Brahma created everything in the universe. Every 2,,, years, Shiva destroys it. This begins a new cycle of creation and destruction. This cyclical nature of time shows up in other Hindu beliefs as well.

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  • Hinduism Questions For Tests And Worksheets

    One example is reincarnation. This is the idea that a soul can live many lives after death. In each life, it may take on a different form, such as a plant or animal. Traditional Hinduism also holds that people are born into different castes based on karma. Castes are similar to social classes. There are four of them: the Brahmins priests , Kshatriyas warriors, kings , Vaishyas farmers, traders , and Shudras laborers. Each caste has its own dharma, or expected behaviors. Followers of Hinduism believe that following their dharma can build karma and influence reincarnation. The goal is to reach moksha. This is the point at which reincarnation stops. Instead of rebirth, the soul becomes one with the spirit of Brahman. The caste system in India was once very strict. People were unable to move from the caste they were born into. This has slowly started to change in recent decades.

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  • Theology Test: Trivia Questions Quiz On Hinduism!

    Does Hinduism sound like other religions you know of? People around the world have very different beliefs. We should always view other religions with respect. When you look closely, you may even notice that these beliefs have many things in common! Standards: CCRA.

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  • Bhagavad-Gita Essay Questions

    Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Related quizzes can be found here: Ramayana Quizzes There are 66 questions on this topic. Last updated May 19 Search in topic: 1 What was the name of Ram's mother? Answer: Kausalya Ram is the son of Kaushalya and Dasharath.

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  • 10 Big Questions About Hinduism, Answered

    Kunti was the mother of Yudhishthira, Bhima, Karna and Arjuna. Kaikeyi was the mother of Bharata and Sumitra was the mother of Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Question by author khushi He was a demon though not from a demon clan. Whose clan was he from? Answer: Rishi Pulatsya This may be unknown to some of you. Ravan was born to the clan of a very learned and great sage called Pulatsya. This phrase was also used by Ravan himself when he tried to convince Sita to marry him. The father of Ravan was also a great sage. If you know who he was, you will get the next question right. From Quiz: Life Of Ravan click to play it. Question by author girlzz. She was an avatar of a goddess, but which one? Answer: Anagha Sita, the daughter of Janak, was found on the earth in the field by Janak. She later married Vishnu as Rama because she was an avatar of Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife. Anagha is another name of Lakshmi. Saraswati is called Medha and Parvati is called Ambika and Annika.

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  • What Is Hinduism? - Quiz | Wonderopolis

    From Quiz: Life of Sita click to play it. Answer: Sun dynasty It is said in the first Kanda or chapter that Dasharatha was a member of the famous Sun dynasty. As you might not know, Kanda means Episode. From Quiz: Ramayana click to play it. Question by author skvegaraju. Question by author Rutu. He lifts it and breaks it by pulling its string stringing it. What is the name of this bow? Answer: Pinaka Pinaka is the bow of Shiva, and one of the many names of Shiva is Pinakapani, meaning one who wields Pinaka. Kodanda is the bow of Rama. Question by author vpatnaik. Answer: Rama That's why it's called the 'Ramayana. From Quiz: The Ramayana click to play it. Question by author ladymacb Answer: Ram Ram broke this divine bow when he wanted to win king Janak's daughter as his wife. King Janak had put a condition: whoever broke this bow would become his daughter's husband. The bow was originally made by Lord Shiva.

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  • Hinduism & Buddhism TEST | Other Quiz - Quizizz

    Some versions of this myth state that the bow had to be broken while as some said it had to be stringed. But, hey, does anyone know who his parents were? It was noted by his father that he was aggressive though a quick learner. He was born on the land of Lanka. Though the son of a sage, he turned out to be a demon. She had three very good friends. They also got married at the same place, day and time she did. Who were they? Mandavi and Sutkirti were born to Kushdwaj and his wife. The four girls shared the utmost respect and love. All Rights Reserved. FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate.

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  • How Much Do You Know About Hinduism? | HowStuffWorks

    If you find an error, click through to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page.

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[GET] Act Practice Test Answer Key | HOT Walking with your head held high, chin tucked, and toes pointed forward will prevent slouching. P...