Students who are more than 15 minutes late are not permitted entry in the classroom and are therefore marked absent. Students wearing incomplete or improper uniforms are not allowed entry in the class. Absolutely no eating and drinking in the class....
[FREE] Ethics 311 Exam Answers | free!
Works turned in by methods other than the one specified will not be accepted. Late works are not accepted. References Atty. Danilo S. Peak, K Wycoco, R. Notes on Police Community Relations. Manila, Philippines.
BUSN 311 Week 8 Final Exam Answers
Among the questions we will consider are the following: Does God exist? Can we know that an external world exists? Is any belief about the future rational? What is the relationship between the mind and brain? What, if anything, makes our actions right or wrong? Doe we ever act freely? Readings will be from both historical and contemporary sources.
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Professor Shabo This course provides an introduction to the problems and methods of philosophy as an academic discipline. We will focus on four traditional areas of philosophical debate, including the existence of God, the mind-body problem, knowledge and skepticism, and free will and determinism. In each of the four areas, we will look closely at influential arguments and positions with a view to understanding and critically evaluating them. Grading will be based on four in-class essay exams as well as class participation. Professor Shabo Whether you are watching television, reading a book or newspaper, or attending a class, some person or institution is trying to influence your beliefs, attitudes or actions.
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Such influence takes various forms. Our focus will be on attempts to influence you through claims and arguments. More generally, our concern will be to understand the critical skills that are needed to make effective assessments of evidence, so that you have more control over how you respond to these influences. Of course, we will not be deciding in detail what we should believe about every issue. Rather, we will be doing a more general study of the appropriate standards for determining what to believe.
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Studying the general standards for acquiring or changing belief involves exploring the nature of justification and the giving of reasons. We will do this by examining valid and invalid argument forms, informal fallacies, the use of analogy in argument, and ambiguity. Later in the semester, we will apply these critical thinking tools to arguments on a range of contemporary topics. Professor Hanley Philosophical ideas expressed in popular media such as science fiction or fantasy literature, films, and music. Topics are variable. Professor Cushing This course takes a problem based approach to social and political philosophy with an emphasis on historical authors. Topics include the justification of government, the ideal form of government, freedom, property, and rights. Authors read include Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and Rawls with additional attention paid to contemporary writers as time and student interest dictates.
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Students will learn to approach complex topics analytically and express themselves clearly in writing. The primary requirements for the class will be short papers. Professor Greene In conducting our ordinary lives, we often need answers to ethical questions. Some of the most serious are literally matters of life and death. These force us to ask questions like: is it ever okay to kill another member of the human species? Is it always okay to kill things which are not members of the human species?
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Professor Hanley In conducting our ordinary lives, we often need answers to ethical questions. We shall consider issues like abortion, infanticide, contraception, euthanasia, capital punishment, warfare, and the welfare of future generations, animals, the environment, and of those less fortunate than ourselves. PHIL Ethics. Professor Cushing This is a course in theoretical normative ethics. Our primary objective in the course will be to understand the three most prominent schools of ethical thought in contemporary philosophy: Consequentialism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics. We will look at the classical sources of these schools as well as contemporary writers. The course will begin with a short look at moral nihilism and cultural relativism before moving on to our main project. Professor Fox In this course we will take a critical yet sympathetic view of a wide range of religious traditions, including Native American Religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Course Syllabus In Ethics 311
Applications to the physical, social and biomedical sciences. Topics include: interpretations of probability, probabilistic fallacies, methods of statistical induction, logic of hypothesis testing, judging correlations, criteria of causation, experimental design and definitions of confirmation. This course examines, at an introductory level, fundamental issues in the philosophy of religion. Students will be guided through a survey of historically important philosophers who have approached these issues, and will learn how they have utilized both general theological approaches to resolving the tension between philosophy and religion and the uniquely Jewish attempt to do so.
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Topics will include: God, miracles, good and evil, divine commandments and free will. Professor Jordan In this course we will examine the classical arguments pro and con for the existence of God. The credibility of miracle-reports, concepts of afterlife, the problem of religious pluralism, and the nature of God are other topics discussed. There will be two in-class exams and one take-home exam. Also covers recent feminist approaches to religion. Professor Boorse Rational decision-making using only elementary logic and high-school algebra. Decisions under ignorance: max-min rules for preference orderings. Decisions under risk: probability, utility, and the expected-utility rule. The concepts of love, marriage, sexuality, family, work, power and equality of women. Theories of women and their position in society, including classical Marxism, the status politics of the suffragettes, radical feminism and socialist feminism. Professor Greene Informed discussion of the ethics of healthcare must acknowledge the constraints of political and economic reality.
Busn 311 Week 8 Final Exam Answers
In this course we will make an interdisciplinary examination of competing considerations of ethics, justice, and practical policy in the provision of healthcare. Among the questions addressed will be: What are the aims of healthcare and how can success be measured? Is there a right to healthcare? Who should pay? How should scarce resources be distributed? See also PHIL for a class with a more clinical focus. More info on class website: classes. Professor Cushing An introduction to main philosophic problems concerning art: the nature, evaluation and value of art. Professor Rogers Medieval Philosophy deals with the synthesis of Greek philosophy and biblical religion. We start with some background in Ancient Greek philosophy and Plotinus, the Neoplatonist who had a profound impact on later thought.
BUS 311 Week 4 Journal, Business Ethics
Major figures include Christian philosophers, Augustine, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and William of Ockham; Islamic philosophers, Avicenna, Alghazali, and Averroes; and Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, Though the material is presented chronologically, the key question throughout will be whether or not the ideas we study are philosophically viable today. There will be three essay tests, two short papers, and quizzes on assigned reading.
[Answered] IBUS 311 University Of Nairobi Ethical Issues In Business Exam And Paper
Questions include but are not limited to : What is everything made of? Can we know anything, and, if so, what and how? Is there a God, and, if so, what manner of Being is It? How can I be happy? What, if anything, justifies the authority of the government? Professor Draper The course is divided into six topics: the significance of being mortal, the possibility and nature of change, the ideal society, the fundamental nature of reality, the nature of the mind, and the rationality of being moral. We will consider the attempts of various ancient Greek philosophers to address these issues, with an emphasis on Plato, Aristotle and Epicurus.
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Professor Shabo This course is a study of works of the major philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries, including Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. In reading these works, we will come to understand some of their main positions and arguments in metaphysics and epistemology. In addition, we will come to appreciate how their discussions have shaped our contemporary understanding of such core philosophical problems as the nature of minds, what the physical world is like and what we can know about it, causation, and personal identity. Professor Powers, Professor Swanson In the 20th century, philosophical analysis broached new questions and gave some convincing answers to older philosophical problems.
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Philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and ethics all benefited greatly from the several kinds of analysis practiced during this time. It was a period in which philosophy, especially but not exclusively in the English-speaking world, provided foundational and methodological contributions to the sciences e. Philosophers also turned their attention, in this period, to questions of distributive justice in ways that aided inquiry in economics, public policy, and jurisprudence.
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That was boring enough to me without reading all the chapters! It won't give you all the info you need to answer every question, but it's decent. I also kept it up during the test and would use the search to help me find info faster. I didn't know anything about insurance going into the test, and taking the test doesn't make me want to learn any more! For me, it was really helpful to slow down and try to understand the question as much as possible. There were still several questions that made no sense to me, but it helped overall. I also tried to read through the answers slowly and carefully as well to make sure I was catching as much as I could.
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Usually, I could throw out answers after that because they just didn't make sense or work well. I found that many times, there were 2 answers that both seemed legitimate. Then it would just boil down to - which sounds like the MOST ethical one? Those are what got me through this insanely boring and long test. You can do it!
The Best Study Notes
If you don't take the Syllabus Quiz by the deadline, you may be dropped from the course for non-participation. If you decide this class is not for you, please drop right away on MyLane , as there is no guarantee you will be dropped for non-participation the first week and there may be other students waiting to get in. If you don't drop by Sunday, January 13, pm, you will be charged for the class. If you drop the class after the 4th week, the class will be recorded on your transcript with a "W" withdrawn next to it. If you do not drop by this deadline, you will receive a grade, which will most likely be a D or an F if you do not take all of the required exams. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours, excluding Saturdays and holidays. You may receive a notification and copy of Moodle messages in your email. Please don't reply to those directly; log into Moodle and reply there. Using Moodle messages consistently also allows us to track any ongoing issues by scrolling up in the message history.
[Answered] IBUS University Of Nairobi Ethical Issues In Business Exam And Paper - The Essay Den
Replying to email notifications or using email to contact me will result in a delayed response and the 24 hour rule will not apply. My students come first; using Moodle for communication will ensure your message gets the priority treatment it deserves. Also, before contacting me, please review this syllabus to see if your question is already answered here. Students will be treated as mature, responsible adults, capable of engaging in adult conversations which may touch on topics such as race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, sexual relations, cultural differences, morality, politics and religion.
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It is a prerequisite of this course that you possess, or be willing to develop, the ability to discuss controversial issues in a calm, rational and respectful manner. TRIGGER WARNING: Examples used in the readings and in class may reference war, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, terrorism, genocide, slavery, serial killers, cannibalism, human sacrifice, murder, torture, FGM female genital mutilation , rape, sexual harassment, sexual infidelity, sexual promiscuity, abortion, addiction, suicide, drowning children, starving children, children hit by trains and college students killed for their organs. The purpose of these hypothetical and real life examples is not to be lurid but to clearly illustrate moral principles with the stark realities of human experience.
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Ethical theory would otherwise be about meaningless abstractions or petty bourgeois problems. Also, "extreme" cases give us examples of morally bad acts and outcomes about which there is nearly universal agreement that we can use as a starting point for theorizing. Expect such examples to come up in class regularly, along with examples of compassion, virtue and heroism. You may also be exposed to uncensored art nudes and a censored photo of a congressman "caught with his pants down. If you would like to improve your tolerance for subject matter and ideas you may currently find distressing or offensive, I encourage you to remain in the class but with the understanding that thinking about, discussing and critically evaluating this material in a mature and responsible manner is a course requirement. This section also notes that this includes "criticizing, and advocating their point of view concerning the policies and programs of the college," which the instructor has been known to do from time to time.
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Another relevant section of the faculty contract is Section Voicing an opinion that differs from that expressed by the instructor will never be penalized, though there may be occasions when debate must be curtailed in the interest of adequately covering course material. The instructor encourages the voicing of dissenting opinions, especially on controversial issues and when backed by convincing reasons and supporting evidence. This enlivens class, provides an alternative viewpoint, fosters critical thinking and may end up enlightening the instructor, who occasionally realizes he has been wrong about something.
Curriculum & Sample Exam Questions
Please couch dissenting opinions in a constructive and respectful manner in order to keep the exchange of ideas civil. This should in no way be interpreted as disparaging any individual or group. Students will always be treated with the utmost respect and will never be mocked or ridiculed. If, at any time, you have a concern, grievance or complaint about the course, please speak with me about it directly in office hours or via Moodle message. You have my personal guarantee that I will hear you out, reflect carefully on what you have to say and that it will have no bearing on your grade.
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Because the class uses objective testing in Instructional Testing Services with a record of scores on the server , you have additional protection. My only request is that, if I have some feedback for you, you consider it in the same spirit. I'd rather correct any problems than have you be disgruntled for the rest of the term which is likely to negatively affect your performance in the class only to complain about it in student evaluations. Why not alert me to a problem when I can actually do something about it? In the unlikely event that you remain dissatisfied, you can still take your concern to the Dean of the Social Science Division. I am a reasonable, fair and kind human being and care about my students, so I'm sure we will be able to work something out. Addressing any concerns early, honestly and directly will result in a better outcome for both of us.
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The philosophical approach assumes a commitment to follow the truth wherever it leads, however uncomfortable it may make us and in spite of what we may wish to be true. It strives for logical consistency and agreement with the empirical evidence. Philosophy is about asking questions, especially questions no one else wants to ask. Philosophy even questions the unquestionable, including things considered to be "common sense," such as the existence of an external world of matter, free will, God, the soul, an afterlife, or, in the case of this class, the existence of universal, objective moral values or perhaps the unquestionable certainty of our age is the dogma that morality is culturally relative or completely subjective.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Ethics 311 Exam Answers
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