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Grammar Correct or rewrite the following sentences. Having recovered from his illness, his doctor allowed him to return to work. Have all students use their imaginations to create something to contribute. It hears appeals from local committees,...
[FREE] Copyediting Test With Answers | new!
Punctuation Correct or add punctuation as needed. The students called out suggestions for ways to raise money. We can have a car wash. The report which Marshall had tried to suppress was greeted with hilarity. The teacher stated the rules, and then...
The Ultimate Editing Test
Prepare and Do Your Research As with the interview, the best way to tackle an edit test is to know the magazine or publication inside and out. The place you can really shine, assuming your editing is solid, is with your story ideas. Be Clear on What's Required Before you start editing, be sure to read over all of the instructions provided with your edit test carefully and thoroughly. You should have clear answers for some of the questions below regarding the terms and parameters: Is there a certain computer program or word processor that the employer prefers you to use?
Infamous Bremner Quiz
Should you be inserting special tags or using an automatic tracker to track the changes you make? Is there a deadline for the edits or a specific time limit that you have to perform the test in? Are there style sheets or guidelines that you can familiarize yourself with? Ideally, you want to have all your questions answered before you begin editing. Even though questions inevitably pop up as you work, it is better to save your questions and ask them all at once instead of pestering the employer with many different questions in different inquiries. Keep Style in Mind There are many different style guides out there. In fact, you may be considered an amateur if you don't ask what style guide the employer prefers. From the Associated Press AP to the Chicago Manual of Style or the Council of Biology Editors guide, using the right style for the genre of the work you are editing will signal to the employer that you can fit right into the style and tone of their publication.
Take This Quiz To Help Refresh Your Writing
Anyone can be a proofreader, can't they? How hard can it be? All they do is find typos, don't they? See for yourself! If you're thinking of training to become a proofreader, or if you're just curious, here's a chance to see whether you would enjoy some of the things that editors and proofreaders do. It's based on straightforward text that contains a number of very common errors.
Copy-editing - With Exercises And Model Answers
See if you can spot all twenty errors, then check the answer sheet. If you haven't found everything, that doesn't mean that you won't be a good proofreader: it takes training and experience to do it well, and the CIEP can help. Challenge yourself to take our language quizzes. They're just for fun but you'll test your knowledge of grammar and current usage, and we'll explain what we think are the right answers. There's a new one every two months, so check back here when you want to tackle the next one.
Test Yourself
This book is now out of print. It is aimed at proofreaders who want to progress to editing, and editors who want to learn and improve their skills. Exercises, follow-up and answers The introduction focuses on the publishing environment, the stages of production and editing tools. Subsequent chapters cover marking up, grammar and punctuation, the different parts of a publication, copyright and other legal issues, style and level, specialist texts, tables, technical figures and copyfitting and endmatter. Each chapter has exercises within it to test your understanding, follow-up text that discusses the crucial points of the exercise and model answers at the back of the book.
This Quiz Will Tell You How Well You Can Copyedit For BuzzFeed News
There is also a glossary and bibliography, details of editors' organisations worldwide and a short list of pertinent websites. Dry humour and good judgement I like Barbara's didactic style, though it might not suit everyone, and inevitably there are a few points with which I disagree. There are flashes of dry humour to enliven the prose: we're told not to scoff at authors who acknowledge their pets and instructed to laugh at anyone who calls endmatter 'endlims' as in 'prelims' — quite right too.
Are You Ready To Test Your Proofreading Skills?
I applaud the emphasis on good judgement: 'Copy-editing is about thinking and making appropriate choices, not merely following rules' — something I feel that clients often underestimate when placing editorial work. This book goes some way towards helping editors sharpen that judgement, and providing understanding of the process, not merely accepting 'the way it's done'. A minor carp There is a wide range of exercise material, from general to more technical, and Barbara comes up with some imaginative ways of testing the reader's knowledge on the topic in question, with some tricky bits slipped in to find out if you were really paying attention. A minor carp is the print quality of the model answers. The addition of exercise numbers in the running heads in this section would have been helpful for navigation.
Differences are usefully highlighted between fiction and non-fiction, conventional versus on-screen editing and UK and American usage, although not in any great depth. I liked the suggestion that separating clauses with either commas, parentheses or dashes can be thought of as 'quiet', 'whisper' or 'shout'. Blow by blow The explanation of the different parts of a publication is useful - do you know what an ISMN is? It's an ISBN for music. The complexities of copyright law and other legal issues are nicely dealt with in 12 succinct pages.
Copy Editing Samples
Style issues cover capitalisation, italics and numbers, and there are good suggestions for lowering or raising the readership level as appropriate, without losing the author's voice. Clear instructions are given for dealing with technical figures, including graphs and maps, and for cutting and expanding text. Standing the test of time The paper is quite thick and it makes a substantial wedge that doesn't fall open easily — however, the binding stood up well to some punishment and, it is to be hoped, will stand the test of time. I think this book fulfils its purpose of easing the proofreader into the copyeditor's role, and will fill gaps in the knowledge of more experienced editors or those seeking advice when venturing into unfamiliar territory. I can't say that it would be a preferential purchase over Butcher's Copy-editing , but I would rank it above Copyediting and Proofreading for Dummies Wiley,
Post Navigation
Answers follow — along with brief explanations where deemed useful. They plan to report to whomever is in charge. He graduated high school with highest honors. Winning the Pulitzer gained him alot of notoriety. The research folks are honing in on their target. Henderson is the tallest of the two brothers. It was him, not me, who had to make the decision. The vehicle was parked in the lot when another auto collided with it.
Do You Have What It Takes To Get A Copy-Editing Job?
Both candidates were equally as impressive. He loaned her the money she needed. The building was declared an historical site. The reason he was fired was because he was embezzling. Either of the documents are fine with me. They spent the day laying in the sun. The lawyers said the protests should be called off for awhile. A clause contains both subject and verb — in this case: you speak. The department is investigating him — we need an object. Whenever we can cut a word without harming sound or sense, we should do so. They plan to report to whoever is in charge. He graduated from high school with highest honors. Winning the Pulitzer gained him a lot of notice. Also, notoriety is linked to notorious, by definition negative. The research folks are homing in on their target. Both objects must in motion in order to collide. Both candidates were equally impressive. The building was declared a historical site. The reason he was fired was that he was embezzling.
Copy Edit This! Quiz No. 15
Either of the documents is fine with me. They spent the day lying in the sun. The lawyers said the protests should be called off for a while. Sentences like this cause confusion even among skilled writers and editors. The problem? The correct antecedent is found in the structure people who [want. She has authored two mystery novels, Chalk Line and Monkey See. Available from Amazon.
Copy Edit This! Quiz No. 6
For ongoing clients with multiple copy editing test candidates, monthly invoicing can be arranged. Read More How long does the testing process take? There are a minimum of three multiple choice copy editing tests of approximately 10—15 minutes each and a short piece words min. Other testing items requested, such as facility with copy editing in MS Word etc. Personalized employee assessments will be delivered by email or any method of your choosing within 24 hours of completion of the copy editing test procedure.
The Ultimate Editing Test | ProEdit
Improve the clarity and professionalism of your internal memos, newsletters, corporate reports and you will also improve the appeal and salesmanship of your external client communications. Each corporate employee assessment will be enhanced with a detailed, personalized evaluation of the employee's copy editing aptitude. Grammar Tests Test your employees and potential employees on their abilities with English grammar. Professionalize your employee assessments with a customized report of each employee's grammar skills. Improve your awareness of the resources available to you within your organization by testing your employees on their ability to write in a clear, professional, polite, and error free manner.
Take The Proofreading Test
Writing Tests Test your corporate employees and potential employees on their writing skills. Increase the accuracy of your communications with your clients and with your employees internally. Supplement company employee evaluations with a customized report of each employee's writing skills. Need a Copy Editor?
Copy Editing Test: Trivia Quiz!
This is the first of a series of workouts that will test your editing knowledge and proofreading skills. Hint: Each numbered example includes no more than one error. Another hint: Some of the examples are wrong by just about any standard. Others are contrary to Chicago style but may be correct according to other styles see the disclaimer below. Take the quiz—and then read the results to see how you did. Good luck! Subscribers to The Chicago Manual of Style Online may click through to the linked sections of the Manual cited in the answers. Note: Style guides and dictionaries sometimes disagree. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
7 Copy-Editing Exercises For Journalism Students
Seeing no napkins on the table, my sleeves became my only option. Incorrect 2. Incorrect 3. The movie, Wonder Woman, is based on a character that was created in the early s.
EditTeach : Special Projects
Every other line contains a spelling error, grammatical gaffe, or stylistic slip-up. So, the following piece of copy contains just three errors. As with any proofreading exercise, you may find the occasional grammatically suspect clause or a phrase that makes you a little queasy. Allow yourself no more than 10 minutes to complete this exercise. The Proofreading Exercise Keep Your Pet Safe from the Dangers of Heatstroke It is now, thankfully, a widely recognised fact that dogs left alone in cars can become the tragic victim of the kind of weather that normally has most of us rejoicing.
Copy Editing Samples: EContent Pro
According to recent evidence, when the external temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature within a car can rise to as much as degrees Fahrenheit in just one hour. For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever there going provides adequate provisions for their beloved pet. However, the emphasis on the dangers presented by leaving dogs in cars has lulled many pet owners into a false sense of security when it comes to protecting their pet from the hazards of hot weather. There is now, unfortunately, a general consensus that our pets are safe in hot weather, just so long as they are not confined to a vehicle. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether or not your dog is in a car, they are vulnerable to heatstroke if they are unable to effectively cool down. Some dogs are more prone than others.
Copy Edit This! Quiz No. 17
Dogs who are suffering from a particular medical complaint or are receiving prescription medication may also be more at risk. However, it is a fact that all dogs can be potential victims of heatstroke. Avoid taking your dog out in hot weather at all, if you can. Restrict their exercise time to the early morning or later in the evening, when it tends to be cooler. If you do have to take your dog out in the heat, and you find you have to leave them in a single spot for any reason, make sure there is plenty of shade, and leave a large bowl of drinking water.
Test Your Proofreading Skills: Complete This Exercise | FreelanceWriting
Make sure the bowl has a heavy base, so that it is less likely to be accidentally spilled or knocked over entirely. When out walking with your dog in hot weather, carry a large bottle of water with you. Periodically, you can give this water to your dog. Little and often is the key here, keeping dehydration well and truly at bay. Make sure your dog is well-groomed to remove surplus hair. If, for whatever reason, your dog has become exposed to excessive heat and you are concerned they may be suffering from heatstroke, here are the symptoms you need to be on the lookout for: abnormally heavy panting, excessive salivation, vividly red gums and tongue and, in very severe cases, diarrhoea and vomiting.
How To Pass An Edit Test To Get A Writing Job
If you encounter any of these symptoms you need to seek veterinary assistance immediately, whilst cooling your pet as much as possible with cool water never use very cold water, as this may induce shock. But, as always, prevention is better then cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible. The Proofreading Exercise: Solution Did you spot out three howlers? The second mistake is tucked away in the seventh paragraph. If you successfully completed this proofreading exercise, congratulations!
Test Your Proofreading Skills: Complete This Exercise
You may have what it takes to become a proof reader. About the Author: Mike Sellars has been embroiled in the world of proofreading for more than two decades now. For the first five years of his working life he worked as a copywriter and proof reader for a number of advertising and marketing agencies. In relatively short order, he was promoted, culminating in his appointment as Operations Manager, in which role he was responsible for hiring, developing and managing typesetters, page make-up artists and, of course, proof readers.
Infamous Bremner Quiz – Journalism Copy Editing
What resources do you recommend? Our quality manager Samantha recommends the online editing certificate offered by Poynter ACES, which focuses on the fundamentals of editing. This course is particularly useful for new editors who want to start an editing career. It offers a language primer focusing on the fundamentals of grammar and composition, as well as courses on how to make writing clean and concise, how to copyeditig for clarity, when copyediting test with answers. Frequently coopyediting questions: Scribbr language quiz Can I have the answers to the Scribbr language quiz? It is not wih to see the answers to our quiz. Why do we only work with native speakers? All Scribbr editors are native speakers, which means that they have spoken English since early childhood. We only work with native speakers because these editors understand the cadence of the language and have mastered its idiomatic forms.
Chicago Style Workout Editing And Proofreading Quiz No. 1 | CMOS Shop Talk
It is difficult for non-native speakers to acquire these traits, even if they are fluent and have spoken the language throughout their adult lives. Since our customers wish to work only with native speakers, we have no flexibility in this requirement. Our editors are vetted through a rigorous application process, through which they are asked to demonstrate technical grammar knowledge, familiarity with academic writing and an understanding of editing principles. All successful applicants also complete our Scribbr Academy training program, where they learn how to edit for students. What is the Scribbr language quiz? The Scribbr language quiz is a recruitment tool designed copyediitng our team. The scores are curved for this purpose and indicate only whether you are a good woth for our editor team. The quiz consists of 10 challenging language and editing questions and is designed to test your knowledge of specific rules.
Take This Quiz To Help Refresh Your Writing | Quill
If you achieve a score of 80 points or higher, then we will invite you to copyediting test with answers forward vopyediting the next step in the application process. The language copyeditijg consists of 10 multiple choice questions. You can score positive points for correct answers and penalty points for incorrect answers, which can result in low quiz scores.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Copyediting Test With Answers
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