Friday, May 28, 2021

Class Diagram Exam Questions And Answers

  • [DOWNLOAD] Class Diagram Exam Questions And Answers | HOT!

    Here, the classes that were found during top-down analysis serve as the basis to find these classes. Already existing inputs and outputs, for instance, screen forms and paper forms are important sources of information. According to our experience,...

  • [GET] Class Diagram Exam Questions And Answers

    The following checklist shows the necessary steps for constructing class diagrams. Subsequently, we will explain the individual steps further. Checklist 4. Identify and model associations—How are the classes connected? Define...

  • UML Interview Questions

    The answers to these questions provide a number of potential classes, which we model in a first draft of the class diagram. In practice, the results of this first work step vary greatly. However, we have never experienced a case in which nothing at all was found. If you are still inexperienced in identifying classes, it has proven helpful to run through top-down analysis repeatedly. With time, you will develop a sense for what is a class and what is not Figure 4. We model the interconnections between the obtained classes and business rules in class diagrams as associations with meaningful names and multiplicities, as shown in Figure 4. The questions are: What relationships exist among objects?? How many objects of each class are involved in a relationship? Figure 4. Here, it is important to recognize whether the relationship is direct, or if the relationship only exists indirectly through other objects. In our example it turns out that a customer owns a ticket, which in turn, consists of coupons, which are valid for a flight.

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  • Online Quiz ( Class Diagram (UML))

    The goal of the second question is to determine the multiplicity of the relationship, for instance, how many tickets a customer can have, and to how many customers a ticket belongs Figure 4. Even though at the beginning of this work step we started with previously found classes, because of the domain discussions, we generally find more classes in this work step. The required information about a class has to be identified and modeled in the form of attributes. The question for this is: Which information about a certain class am I interested in?? This question is about finding obviously needed attributes of the individual classes see Figure 4. This question cannot be answered completely without precisely analyzing inputs and queries, as takes place in bottom-up analysis.

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    Because of this, not too much time should be spent answering this question. In this first work step of bottom-up analysis, the individual queries and inputs of the IT system have to be identified. The queries are more important here, because answering queries is the real purpose of IT systems. The questions are: What information does the IT system have to be able to provide??

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  • How To Study For A Multiple Choice Exam

    What information does the IT system have to be able to accept? When answering these questions, you can build upon the use cases already found. Which queries and mutations occur in a use case is already drafted in the use case sequence diagram. Another source of information are the business processes of the business system see Modeling Business Systems. The result of this work step is a list of information requirements, as illustrated in Figure 4. In order to create individual class diagrams for the individual queries and inputs, we first need to be define how they look. Complex query results or inputs are collected or drafted. The question is: How precisely does the display of a query or input look?? Good sources of information are already existing forms for example, the passenger list from Figure 4.

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  • UML - Class Diagram

    In this work step the main part of the bottom-up analysis is performed. For each query or input a small class diagram is created on the basis of the existing classes. This is achieved by modeling the drafted inputs and outputs of the IT system. Class modeling on a small scale takes place. The questions are: What data elements exist in input and output?? What objects hide behind these data elements?

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  • 35 UML Interview Questions And Answers - Freshers, Experienced

    What relationships exist between the objects that were found? Which of the objects that have already been modeled can be used? For the passenger list in Figure 4. In this last work step, if it has not been done yet, the individual class diagrams have to be consolidated into one cumulative class diagram. Here, inconsistencies have to be discovered and corrected. Applicable questions are: Are there classes in the individual class diagrams that have different names, but represent the same thing?

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  • Class Diagram Exercises And Solutions

    Are there multiple relationships in individual class diagrams that have the same meaning? Are there attributes within classes that are named differently, but that have the same meaning? In fact, when all individual class diagrams are being consolidated to one cumulative diagram, these questions almost pose themselves. Once inconsistencies have been recognized, they can usually be corrected easily. If you used the classes found during top-down analysis for modeling the drafted inputs and outputs, overlaps and conflicts during the consolidation of the individual class diagrams should be limited anyway.

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  • What Is Class Diagram?

    The completed class diagram in the structural view can be verified with the following checklist: Checklist 4. This question will be answered in Interaction View. In the interaction view, we will show how the class diagram can be used to answer all required queries of the IT system. If this is possible, the class diagram is complete. Is the class diagram correct? The second question, the question about correctness, is a little bit more difficult to answer. Our experience shows that intensive collaborative reading of class diagrams together with the knowledge carriers will bring to light most mistakes. In addition to that, the class diagram can be tested for suspect structure patterns. The best way to do this is with a suitable tool. An introduction to the analysis of structure patterns would go beyond the scope of the text.

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  • UML Diagrams Examples

    The teacher provokes students' thinking with a question or prompt or observation. Using designated partners such as with Clock Buddies , nearby neighbors, or a deskmate, students PAIR up to talk about the answer each came up with. They compare their mental or written notes and identify the answers they think are best, most convincing, or most unique. After students talk in pairs for a few moments again, usually not minutes , the teacher calls for pairs to SHARE their thinking with the rest of the class.

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  • Prof Ed Reviewer: 50 Questions With Answers Part 1

    She can do this by going around in a round-robin fashion, calling on each pair; or she can take answers as they are called out or as hands are raised. Often, the teacher or a designated helper will record these responses on the board or on the overhead. Team Project You will work in teams of five to six students in the same TA section. You should demonstrate that the proposed application is new and a unique creation. If you implement a feature that already exists or is very similar to an existing feature in any past or later version, it will be considered as plagiarism. When proposing a project, you should investigate whether it is feasible to implement and test it. You are expected to perform a live demonstration of your project during your project presentations.

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  • CS 160 Exam Review

    Students in the same team will not always receive the same grades, and project grades will account for individual effort and contribution. In each phase of the projects, students will rate the quality of projects for other teams as well. The teaching team will consider the peer feedback and collaboration history when assigning individual grades. Your TAs will be in charge of setting project requirements and grading your projects. The instructor will also attend final project presentations and provide additional assessments of your projects. The instructor cannot accommodate quizzes on a different date. However, we will count the best 3 quizzes out of 4 quizzes. Each quiz should take about 15 to 20 minutes. Project report and presentation grading scheme 5 pt: Excellent design, complete implementation, selection of a task that is highly intellectually challenging, creative, concise yet comprehensive writing, nearly perfect answers, beautifully written and verbally communicated, eloquent presentation within a time limit 4 pt: Very good, mostly correct answers, i.

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  • Current Affairs 2021 PDF

    Feedback During this course, I will be asking you to give me feedback on your learning in both informal and formal ways, e. It is very important for me to know your reaction to what we are doing in the class, so I encourage you to respond to these surveys, ensuring that we can create an environment effective for teaching and learning. Occasionally, at the end of the lecture, I will hand out index cards to ask "what is the most important thing you have learned in this class session? Academic Integrity Each member of the university is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why aren't there many programming assignments?

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    I want to improve my programming skill through this class. My goal is to help you experience a software project life cycle by creating concrete artifacts in each stage. Thus, while software implementation is an important part of the life cycle, coding is not the main focus of this class. If you are excited about coding and want to practice more, please select a project with a significant implementation component or volunteer to play a key role in implementing your team project. I can also share pointers to open source projects, books, and references that could help you to practice your programming skills further. Q: Why are we emphasizing theories such as discrete math, logic, proof by induction, and program analysis in a project-based software laboratory course? I hope that you can get a good job as an entry level software engineer, but also succeed in the future as a lead, principal engineer and architect.

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  • It Seems That You Are Using An Outdated Browser. Please Use Another Browser Or Update Your Current!

    This requires you to have not only a solid coding skill but a theoretical foundation for systematic design, analysis, testing, and verification methods. In my opinion, these foundations cannot be easily attained while you are on the jobs; they are best taught at University. Class Policy You can use your laptops to take notes no smart phones please. I promise to return graded assignments within two weeks to provide timely feedback to you. Class announcements will be made through Piazza.

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  • UML Diagrams MCQs Questions Answers

    Not every class announcement will be made available via electronic means. Please use on-line repository services such as GitHub, Assembla or BitBucket for version control and project management. Please provide a read permission to us, so that we can access and grade your project. Your team's collaboration history will be also used for adjusting individual grades within your teams. Review questions are to help you review concepts and to prepare for quizzes. If you do not know answers to the questions, I'd be happy to go through them with you during my office hours. The instructor cannot accommodate individual scheduling of a midterm and a final exam on different dates.

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  • Constructing Class Diagrams

    If you have some question not in the list or can provide a better answer, you can suggest those at the bottom of the page as a comment. What are requirements? Requirements describe external view of a system, system's externally observable characteristics phenotype. Older approach to requirements is to describe what a system should do without specifying how it does it. How requirements are collected? There are different methods of requirements elicitation. To collect requirements: recognize the problem being experienced, or determine the opportunities to better serve customers, ascertain external system behavior that could address those problems or opportunities, document the list of the problems, opportunities, and desired behaviors as requirements.

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  • Design Codes: UML Class Diagram: Association, Aggregation And Composition

    What are different types of requirements? Some types of requirements are: Functional requirements - what the system should do. Quality or non-functional requirements - how fast, reliable, secure system should be. Data requirements - what data should be stored by system. What are functional requirements? Functional requirements describe what the system should do in terms of system's input, system's behavior in response to that input, and output back to the user of the system. Functional requirements could be collected and documented using different approaches, techniques, tools, and templates. Use cases were created by Ivar Jacobson in to support visual modeling of functional requirements.

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  • Unified Modeling Language UML Quiz

    Use cases became one of the most widely used approaches for capturing functional requirements for object-oriented systems as part of UML and Rational Unified Process RUP. It is now a common practice to express functional requirements as use cases, described in both graphical and narrative form. What is use case diagram? Use case diagram is UML diagram which shows some business or software system, its external users called actors , and a set of actions called use cases that users of the system should or can perform while using the system.

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  • UML Interview Questions & Answers

    Use case diagrams are used to describe functionality of a system from the point of view of external users. What is use case? Each use case describes a unit of complete and useful functionality that business or system provides to its users, how external user interacts with a system to achieve a desired result. Some examples of use cases: Hire employee, Buy ticket, Place order, Deposit funds. What is actor in use case diagrams?

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  • Online Quiz | Editable UML Class Diagram Template On Creately

    Actor represents some group called "role" of external customers or users of the business or software system. Actors have some needs and require specific services from the system. Some examples of actors are: Customer, Student, and Passenger. Actor could be not just human but also another system, business, or device. What is the difference between use case diagram and use case? Use case diagram shows business or system, its external users, and use cases applicable to the system. Use case represents one specific goal or need of the user from the system. Noticed a spelling error?

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  • Prof Ed Reviewer: 50 Questions With Answers Part 1 - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

    Is Scrum an iterative software process? Is it an incremental software process? Justify your answers. Identify all of the activities in this diagram. Identify all of the actions in this diagram. Identify all of the decision nodes in this diagram. Identify all of the fork nodes in this diagram. Identify all of the join nodes in this diagram. Identify a control flow in this diagram. Identify a data flow in this diagram. Can "Pick Order" and "Create Invoice" occur at the same time?

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  • Top 50 PMP® Exam Questions And Answers For 2021

    Can "Record Order" and "Ship" occur at the same time? Discuss the ways in which products can be categorized. Discuss the differences between needs and requirements as we have used these terms in this course. Explain the principle of least astonishment as it relates to user interface design. Explain why using what you know about human vision you should not use red text on a blue background.

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  • Class Diagram Exercises And Solutions | Computer Network | Node (Networking)

    What is wrong with i. Note: The Stakeholder IDs are listed after each need. Domain Glossary Collar - A band or chain fastened around the neck of an animal used as a means of restraint or identification. GPS Receiver - A device that receives signals from GPS satellites and uses those signals to determine the devices longitude and latitude. A symmetric-key encryption algorithm developed by the Westminster Kennel Club. Needs List Users need to be able to provide the system with the ID to use. C2 The system needs to transmit a message every 5 minutes. C1, C2 The system needs to transmit messages to doggone.

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  • UML Diagrams Interview Questions And Answers | Only Real

    The system needs to run for at least 32 hours when the battery is fully-charged. C2 The system needs to be reliable. C1, L1 Each system needs to have a unique, pre-programmed ID. L2 The system needs to encrypt messages using WES. Explain why natural language Use Case Descriptions are more appropriate than Activity Diagrams for this purpose during the product design phase. Hint: Think about how they are used and who uses them. Though many people mistakenly omit them from Activity Diagrams, explain why it is important to include Merge Nodes and not just have multiple Flows enter an Action Node directly. Anyone may look at an auction's information. Members Only members may bid or place items for sale. All members must register with the system. Members must supply their name and a valid e-mail address. After registering, the system will create an account for the member. A password will be mailed to the e-mail address specified.

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  • UML - Class Diagram - Tutorialspoint

    Members must log in to bid or place an item for sale. Members who forget their password can have it re-mailed to them. Auctions An auction involves an item, a seller, and zero or more bidders. Items and sellers Sellers put up items for auction The item must include a name, a closing time, and a minimum bid. The item may include a description and a picture. Sellers may have any number of auctions active at one time. Bids and bidders Any member may bid in any auction. Bids may be placed at any time before the closing time. A bid must be at least the minimum bid, and higher than any bid so far. Ending an auction. No matter how an auction ends, it is immediately removed from the list of active auctions. If no bids are placed before the closing time, the auction is closed unsuccessfully and the seller notified by e-mail. If at least one legal bid has been placed before the closing time, the auction is closed successfully. The winning bidder and the seller are both mailed each other's contact information and the winning bid.

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  • MCQ Questions And Answers On UML Diagrams | UML Diagrams Quiz

    The seller may cancel the auction up to 24 hours before the closing time. All bidders on this auction will be mailed a notice of the cancellation. Searching Any user may search through active auctions by keyword. All active auctions with name or description containing the keyword are presented to the user. The auctions are sorted by closing time in chronological order. The user may click a link to go directly to the auction. Basic Flow: 1. The System reads information off of the Card 2.

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