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Julie: Hi, Ricky, how are you? Would you mind telling me what I missed in class? Julie: Sure thing. You need to choose one of the bold headings from the note system and research it. Ricky: Wow, I picked the wrong day to miss class, huh? Julie: You...
[FREE] Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1 Answers | free!
Also, where are you getting your references? That would probably be a good start for you — there are tons of journals in the library. Ricky: Great idea, thanks. Are we allowed to use information from the Internet? Ricky: Good idea, thanks. Are...
Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2 Answer
Do we need to title and date each page, too? Julie: You need the shortened title on every page, but no need to include the date. That should just be on the cover page. Ricky: Okay, thanks. Julie: No problem. Also, make sure the margins are 3. Ricky: What? Oh, I almost forgot — remember to put down your ID number on your report. Ricky: Thanks so much for your help. Julie: No problem, glad I could help. See you later. The stuff is scarce. Seriously, though, a safe and reliable source of water is one of the great concerns of people everywhere. Think about it. Our economic system demands that there be more and more consumers.
Cambridge English Key Sample Paper 1 Listening V
Most water is actually used for washing. When you take a shower, you probably use well over a hundred litres of water. But most people drink no more than two litres or so per day. So, where to get water? It could be obtained from rainwater, but often rainfall consists of other harmful pollutants that evaporated with the water. In fact, acid rain, an intense example of this, causes harmful effects on the wildlife of the habitat on which it falls. The purest water is found in rivers, creeks, lakes, and dams. And, sad to say, Australia has precious few of these. Really, how many of your home towns have rivers?
Practice Cambridge IELTS 15 Listening Test 1 With Answers
Year-round rivers, I mean. The soil tends to be sandy, so water soaks into the ground. Speaking of rain, we already heard how rainfall is diminishing here in Oceania. Going back to the problems with obtaining rainwater, a further problem is that rain is a useful source of water only if air pollution is fairly mild. You need water where most people live. But then modern cities tend to feature polluted air which renders the rain far less easily usable. The more people, the dirtierF the rain. This is becoming a huge concern for people in the West, who want their water to be pure and safe. Though reliable drinking water is important everywhere, the concern in the West is reflected in all the government regulations and political campaigns aimed at solving this problem. In contrast, there are not as many demands made on the governments in Asian and African cultures to improve the water, as their focus is on other issues.
IELTS Listening Sample 7. Section 1
Now, whatever the source of water, we can never afford to forget that all water is highly vulnerable to contamination. This problem shows up in a number of different ways. Yet if you have old-fashioned lead pipes, you may slowly be poisoning yourself by drinking that nice clear water. The industrial pollution, farm chemicals, and leaky landfills are well-known sources of contaminants as well. So what is being done to ensure we Australians a safe and steady supply of drinking water? There are a lot of initiatives that make admirable efforts to remedy this issue. But, as a preview, I can tell you that so far the amount of real solutions that have been produced is not nearly adequate. That means that every person and every province tend to go its own way. So the mechanisms for water management are, in a word, insufficient. To begin seeing how this is so, I want you to read something before our next class.
Cambridge A2 Key (KET): Listening
Though a lot of previous data on water usage and water management are inconclusive and have thus caused quite a concern, we can learn a lot from the content of reports written on the subject.
Cambridge Ielts Book 11 Listening Test 1 Answers
Simona Stanca What things make an office comfortable to work in? It will vary from one environment to another, and it will also depend on what kind of work you do I suppose, but in general, you need a good desk or table to work at, and an ergonomically designed chair that gives you enough lumbar support, because most people who work in offices spend many hours sat at their desk, and unless you have a good chair, you can experience backache and other back-related problems after some time.
Cambridge Practice Tests For IELTS 1 Listening 02 Answer
Then, there are also other aspects such as the general environment and air quality, which shouldn't be too hot or too cold, and the air should be fresh and clean, preferably cleaned and filtered to ensure a high quality of air within the office building. And good lighting is also essential, there should be sufficient illumination to see clearly whatever it is you have to do, but the lighting shouldn't be so bright that it irritates your eyes. It's best if there's controllable lighting so you can set the illumination level according to your work needs. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors? I suppose there might be various reasons.
Đáp án IELTS Listening Cambridge 8 Test 1 – Transcript & Answers
Some people just don't like being indoors, they feel cooped up, or they don't like working in an artificially vented environment. Working outside can be more invigorating and refreshing, especially if you're working in the countryside, the air is generally more refreshing. You can feel the sun and the breeze on your face and the whole dynamic is just better than being stuck indoors. I guess that people who work outside generally move around more than people who work in an office, for example, so they are probably healthier and don't suffer from many of the common ailments that office workers do.
IELTS Listening Practice Test 1
Do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues they work with? Not necessarily, if you work with great people, the work environment might be less important. If there is a good atmosphere and everybody works together and enjoys what they are doing then I think that's probably more significant than just being able to say you work in a nice office or similar place. On the other hand, though, if you don't get along well with your colleagues, or there isn't much collaboration as part of your work, then you might place more importance on the actual surroundings in which you work. It's a balance; the better the relationship with your colleagues the less important the actual work environment is, but obviously the building still needs to have all the basic amenities and functions for you to be able to carry out your work well.
IELTS Simulation Test With Answers Volume 1
I suppose most people would be happy about it. But it could be problematic also, because people would have so much more free time to fill, and they might get bored. Of course, if they had plenty of money, then they would be able to do anything they wanted, but if they had limited money, they might have difficulty thinking of things to occupy their time with every day. Then you have to think about what other aspects of life would be like; I mean, if nobody worked, how would the world function? How would all the food arrive in the supermarkets? How would all the other products and things we need be supplied? It's difficult to say what life would be like if people didn't work unless you explain how all these functions that people perform would be replaced. Would we expect life to continue as now, or would we abandon technology and go back to growing our own food and making our own clothes?
Cambridge 7 Ielts Listening Test 1 Answer
Most probably, people would be less happy than now, it sounds strange but many people are less happy now than in the past, even though many people have more money and can buy many more things, it doesn't automatically make people happy. For many people, work is important because it gives them a sense of purpose in life, even though they might not enjoy it all the time. Are all jobs of equal importance? You could argue that they are. Most jobs exist because they are necessary, in some cases essential for life to function.
Cambridge Listening Book 1 Test 1
You might think some jobs are more important, like being a doctor, for example, but unless the doctor has a hospital in which to work, they won't be able to attend their patients, so the jobs involved in constructing the hospital are also important. The people who clean the hospital are also important, just as the people who work in the supermarket where the doctor buys their food, because if they didn't eat, they wouldn't be able to do their job. So, you could say that, even though a job might seem insignificant, if it wasn't done, it would affect many other things and eventually something would not be available to us, or someone else would not be able to do their job. We all depend on many other people to enable us to live our lives and do what we do every day. We rarely meet these people, and we may never even think about them, but all jobs, and the people who do them, are equally important.
Cambridge 11, Speaking Test 1
Why do you think some people become workaholics? There could be various reasons. Some people consider the term workaholic to be negative, but if a person is passionate about what they do and wants to immerse themselves in their work, what's wrong with that? Some people become workaholics because they love their work, it's the single most important thig in their lives, it's what they invest all their time in, all their energy and resources. And these kinds of people are usually highly successful and experts in their professional field. Other people might become workaholics because it's a distraction from other things which they would like to avoid.
IELTS Cambridge 15 Test 1 Listening Audio - Academic
For example, if a person has an unhappy family life, they might choose to work more than normal to avoid spending time at home. Some people throw themselves into their work following a bad emotional situation, such as the loss of a spouse or following a divorce or relationship breakup, because it gives them a sense of purpose and stops them wallowing in pity or feeling sad. Work serves as a diversion, which allows them to avoid dealing with what might be a sensitive or highly emotional issue, because they're not ready, or willing, to deal with at the time.
IELTS Practice Cambridge 8 Listening Test 1 C8T1
Such behavior can become a habit over time, and work fills the void left by the person they lost or broke up with. So, I guess it can be an emotional coping mechanism, or simply the person is extremely passionate about their work and loves what they do, and that's why they spend so much time working. Personally, I prefer to eat healthy food because I feel better for it; it's more nutritious and the long-term health benefit are considerable. Sometimes, I eat food that isn't so healthy, and sometimes I don't really enjoy it, or the next day I feel bad. I prefer simple, but healthy food, although sometimes I indulge in treats, but mainly I eat a healthy diet. If you catch a cold, what do you do to feel better?
IELTS Listening: Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 1 Answers
I'll make a conscious effort to eat well and sleep sufficiently and avoid doing anything which isn't absolutely necessary so that my body can focus on recovering. I prefer to let my body deal with naturally. However, if I have a lot of work to do, or an important meeting, something like that, I'll usually try to make sure that I take whatever is necessary to make me feel good for the day, so that I can concentrate, and then make sure to rest well at the end of the day. Do you pay attention to public information about health? In general, I'm very healthy, I eat well, and do exercise regularly, so there's not much in terms of bad habits or changes that I could make. And I also visit my doctor regularly for various check-ups. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle? Honestly, not much. Like I said, I eat healthy and balanced meals, exercise, and don't have any bad habits like drinking lots of coffee or alcohol. My lifestyle is already a healthy one.
Cambridge Listening Book 1 Test 1 - 1medicoguia.com
I'm fit and active and generally avoid things which are bad for your health, so I can't really think of anything in particular that I could do, or change, to be even healthier at the moment. PART 2Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone or something to arrive. About a year ago, my friend and I had a plan to meet up in Spain, and then go onto London for a vacation. We were arriving from different places, because I had been studying in California, and she had been working in Amsterdam for a year. So, the plan was to meet up in Spain and then fly together across to London. Unfortunately, I arrived in Madrid as scheduled but there was a problem with her flight, which was delayed until the next day, so she arrived later than scheduled. I didn't know anyone in Spain, and hadn't planned to spend the night there, but I ended up having to find a hotel for the night until my friend's plane arrived.
IELTS Listening | Cambridge IELTS 4 | Test 1 With Answer Key - Video Dailymotion
If I had only had to wait for a few hours it wouldn't have been a problem, but for some reason she couldn't get an alternative flight until later the next day which meant that she wouldn't arrive until the middle of the afternoon, and I wasn't prepared to wait that long in the airport. Thankfully, I found a hotel near the airport after a quick search online, and jumped in a taxi and went to spend the night there.
ANSWER - Cambridge Ielts 1
It was good to relax, have a shower, change my clothes and have a decent meal, because I had been on a long hour transatlantic flight most of the day. I was really glad to get out away from airports and planes and into a comfortable room. I actually didn't mid waiting for my friend at all, we had plenty of time to change the flights to London, and it was actually a chance for me to unwind and relax before meeting up with her when she arrived at Madrid airport later that day. Anyway, these things happen, it wasn't her fault, and in fact one of my connecting flights had been late in the USA, so I could understand her predicament. When we did finally meet up, it was great and I felt a lot less tired than I had the day before, so maybe the long wait was beneficial for me -it gave me a chance to recover from the jet lag and traveling of the previous day. I suppose things like appointments and meetings are the most obvious; whether it's a doctor's appointment or whatever, or a business meeting, where other people have organized their time according to a schedule -you should respect the time of others and arrive early, or at least on time.
Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 Answers
Then there are certain other situations such as arriving at the airport for an international flight, when you are required to arrive earlier than the departure time of the flight to allow time for everyone to check in and board without any problems. It's always better to arrive early than late when you're meeting others or when others are depending on your arrival, such as when you're traveling.
IELTS Listening | Cambridge IELTS 4 | Test 1 With Answer Key
Being late just causes problems for everyone involved. In your country, how important it is to arrive early? We're typically punctual, it's not always necessary to arrive really early for every meeting or appointment, but people expect you to be there at the time that was arranged, or at least within a few minutes of the time. Any later and people typically begin to get frustrated or lose their patience. Obviously, if it's a really important appointment, such as a job interview or something like that, then you're expected to arrive before the time designated, to help keep the process moving along smoothly. It also helps make a good first impression if you're punctual, it shows that you're serious about getting the job, and can manage your time. It depends on the exact situation as to how important it is to arrive early.
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The more important the event, or situation, typically the more important it is to arrive at the right time, or early, to avoid any potential problems. How can modern technology help people to arrive early? I'm not sure exactly, but I guess you could say that time management apps and GPS maps might help someone organize their time and find their way to a certain place easier than before. But at the end of the day, people used to use diaries and paper-based planners, and maps, to organize their days, and arrive at places on time.
IELTS Listening Section 1 – Practice Test 1
The most important thing is to plan your time, know where you're going and how long it will take you to arrive there. That can all be done without technology -but technology just makes it easier. However, even with all the apps and technology available today, if you can't wake up on time, or organize your time well, you'll still arrive late sometimes -what's important is your basic time management skills. Being patientWhat kinds of jobs require the most patience? The ones that spring to mind are teachers, scientists, and people who have to work with other people, be it as therapists or simply in customer service, or dealing with the public.
Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 Answers
Teachers are generally very patient because the learning process, especially for children, can be complex, and they need to show a lot of patience and support if children are having difficulties. Scientists might have to work for a long time before they can obtain any positive results in their research or experiments, and sometimes they may need to wait patiently for years before seeing any conclusive results. As for people who work with other people, there are lots of jobs which require patience, and some more than others. For example, psychologists, might spend a lot of time patiently listening to people before being able to make any positive progress with their patients.
IELTS Listening Test 1 - Section 1
And customer service representatives that have to deal with hundreds of people every day need a lot of patience, because usually when people have a problem, or a complaint, they aren't patient and want a solution immediately. In such situations, it's important that people dealing with other people can be extremely patient to help resolve a situation or problem without any acrimony or making the situation worse because they themselves become impatient.
IELTS Listening Practice Test With Transcript And Solution(Practice Test 1)
In this task you have to decide which match is being described in each question. In this question it is best to skim for the types of match as these are names, some of which are in italics, they are easier for you to pick out. If you think there is more than one possible description for the match, note A next to both. The rubric states that you may use any match more than once. Note that the description is expressed differently from the text. Sometimes you have to match the meaning rather than the words. Only three of the factors in the list are correct.
IELTS Listening Section 1 – Practice Test 1 – The IELTS Listening Test
The correct factors explain why the author doubts the value of the WZCS document. This is from the third paragraph onwards. The first signal is: 'This is probably the document's first failing …' You can infer from what the writer then states, that A is one of the correct factors. Remember that if you put more than one factor beside each question number on your answer sheet, you will not get any marks. However the three correct answers can be written down in any order. You have to decide which effect arose from each cause. In this case it is better to work from List A as you must find an effect m List B for every question. If you think there is more than one effect, mark both and come back to this item later. But remember that only one answer is correct. So the answer to question 36 is G.
Practice Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 1 With Answers
F Audio script You will hear the librarian of a new town library talking to a group of people who are visiting the library. OK everyone. So here we are at the entrance to the town library. My name is Ann, and I'm the chief librarian here, and you'll usually find me at the desk just by the main entrance here. So I'd like to tell you a bit about the way the library is organised, and what you'll find where … and you should all have a plan in front of you. Well, as you see my desk is just on your right as you go in, and opposite this the first room on your left has an excellent collection of reference books and is also a place where people can read or study peacefully. Just beyond the librarian's desk on the right is a room where we have up to date periodicals such as newspapers and magazines and this room also has a photocopier in case you want to copy any of the articles.
Cambridge Listening Book 1 Test 2, Best Practice
If you carry straight on you'll come into a large room and this is the main library area. There is fiction in the shelves on the left, and non-fiction materials on your right, and on the shelves on the far wall there is an excellent collection of books relating to local history. We're hoping to add a section on local tourist attractions too, later in the year. Through the far door in the library just past the fiction shelves is a seminar room, and that can be booked for meetings or talks, and next door to that is the children's library, which has a good collection of stories and picture books for the under elevens.
IELTS Practice Test Volume 1
Then there's a large room to the right of the library area — that's the multimedia collection, where you can borrow videos and DVDs and so on, and we also have CD-Roms you can borrow to use on your computer at home. It was originally the art collection but that's been moved to another building. And that's about it — oh, there's also the Library Office, on the left of the librarian's desk. OK, now does anyone have any questions? Task Type 4 — Form, Note, aTble, Flow-chart, Summary Completion In this task type, you will be given a form, a set of notes, a table, a summary, or a flow-chart and you will need to fill in the missing information based on the listening passage.
Study English IELTS - IELTS LISTENING: IELTS Cambridge 1 - Test 1
You may have to select their answers from a list on the question paper or identify the missing words from the recording, making sure to keep to the word limit stated in the instructions. You will fill out a form like an application, booking, or an order form. Often it will be a phone conversation between two people. One person will either be, ordering, booking or requesting information about something, while the other person is helping them.
Cambridge IELTS 15 Book - Listening Test 1 (questions And Answers)
You will hear a university lecture and then be given incomplete lecture notes. You'll need to fill in the missing points based on the lecture. You will need to fill in the missing information from the table. You will need to complete the chart with either, words from the recording, or by choosing one of the options from a lettered list. You must read the instructions very carefully. Table Question.
ANSWER - Cambridge Ielts 1 - Inglês
Book Reviews. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer without much trouble. A distractor is when an alternative but incorrect answer is included in the recording. A product you bought that was difficult to use in the beginning. Rating is available when the video has been rented. The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage —, The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage —, The answer can be found in paragraph no.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1 Answers
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