[DOWNLOAD] Age Of Jackson Test Answers
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Unit 10: Westward Expansion Test And Answer Key
Household chores were mostly divided by gender. Women were generally responsible for preserving food, cooking, producing cloth and clothing, and caring for children. Men cleared fields, planted crops, forged tools, and cared for animal herds. Children performed many chores such as gathering eggs, milking cows, and working alongside their parents. Some families ran businesses to process farm products. Grist mills ground corn and wheat into meal and flour.
24. The Age Of Jackson
Sawmills cut lumber, and tanneries processed animal hides. Distilleries turned corn into whiskey. The one true industry in early Tennessee was ironmaking. Frontier ironworks were constructed in upper East Tennessee by men who had immigrated from Pennsylvania. James Robertson built the first ironworks, called the Cumberland Furnace, in Middle Tennessee in Soon Middle Tennessee ironmasters built many furnaces and forges to take advantage of the abundant iron ores of the western Highland Rim region.
Andrew Jackson: An Uncommon Man For The Common
These were complicated enterprises that used both slaves and freemen to dig the ore, cut the wood for charcoal, and operate the furnace. The early Tennessee iron industry supplied blacksmiths, mill owners, and farmers with the metal they needed and laid the groundwork for future industrial development. A Methodist Camp Meeting The hardworking settlers had little time for recreation. As a result, the settlers found ways to combine work and recreation. All able-bodied men were required to serve in the militia. The days when the militia mustered, or gathered for duty, served as festive social occasions for the whole county. There was little opportunity for organized religious services in the early days and few ministers to preach. Instead, itinerant, or traveling, ministers held camp meetings.
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Because travel was so difficult, frontier families would camp near the meeting site for several days. The Methodists and Baptists gained many converts through the camp meetings. Presbyterianism insisted on an educated clergy, which led to the development of many schools in early Tennessee. Academies chartered by the state were supposed to receive part of the proceeds from the sale of state lands, but this rarely happened. While state support for education languished, ministers and private teachers took the lead in setting up schools across the state. Relations between whites and Native Americans were relatively peaceful after , although trespassing on Indian land was common, and life continued to be hazardous for settlers in remote areas. However, as Tennesseans pushed west and south toward the Tennessee River, they began to press upon Creek territory, and fighting resumed. The Creeks were the most formidable tribe on the Tennessee borders, and they were widely believed to be under the influence of hostile British and Spanish agents.
Jackson Apush Dbq
In , Tecumseh and his brother, the Prophet, succeeded in creating a confederacy, or alliance, of tribes in the Ohio Valley. Tecumseh wanted to roll back white settlement. Tecumseh visited the Creek Nation in to urge the southern tribesmen to join his movement. His prophecy that the earth would tremble as a sign of the coming struggle was seemingly confirmed by a series of massive earthquakes in — Reelfoot Lake Anti-British feeling ran high in Tennessee, and Tennesseans were easily willing to link the Native American threat with British actions on the high seas. When war was declared in June , Tennesseans saw an opportunity to rid their borders once and for all of Native Americans. Their chance came soon enough. News reached Nashville in August of the massacre of some men, women, and children at Fort Mims, Alabama. Governor Willie Blount immediately called out 2, volunteers and placed them under the command of Andrew Jackson. Jackson faced many challenges including lack of support from the War Department, shortages of supplies, and a mutiny, or rebellion, by some of his soldiers.
Chapter 11 - Reform And Politics In The Age Of Jackson, 1824-1845
Despite these problems, Jackson won several victories against the Red Sticks. As a result, Andrew Jackson and his lieutenants, William Carroll and Sam Houston, gained national prominence, or importance. Army and given command of the Southern military district just in time to meet an impending British invasion of the Gulf Coast. Jackson then hurriedly marched his troops to New Orleans to rendezvous, or meet, with other Tennessee units converging to defend the city. British general Sir Edward Pakenham was killed along with hundreds of his soldiers. The Americans only suffered twenty-three casualties. Because of poor communication, the battle actually occurred fifteen days after the signing of the peace treaty with Great Britain in Ghent, Belgium. The Battle of New Orleans was a brilliant victory and one of the few clear American successes of the war.
Age Of Jackson Test
This triumph launched Andrew Jackson on the road to the presidency. Three years later, he led another force of Tennesseans into Florida to stop attacks by the Seminoles.
The Age Of Jackson
The Age of Jackson refers to the period of to in United States history, when President Andrew Jackson led the national government through a series of reforms and radical governmental changes. This era gave rise to the career politician and the "spoils system," two components of political culture that remain in United States politics to this day. Jackson's supporters eventually became the Democratic Party. Andrew Jackson was elected in , the first man born west of the Allegheny Mountains to become president of the United States. Jackson's political platform was to elevate the common man who, bereft of wealth and land, had been unable to participate in politics.
The Age Of Jackson Chapter 10 Test Form A Answers
Previously, the political culture and governmental positions of the United States had been filled with members of the upper class, consisting of free, Caucasian, landowning men in high social standing. Andrew Jackson's policies radically changed this policy by allowing non-landowning men to vote in elections. For this reason the Age of Jackson is often called the Age of Democracy. White pioneers desired to settle the American south and west during the Age of Jackson. Almost immediately after his election, President Jackson rewarded his presidential candidacy supporters with nearly 2, jobs in government.
Study Guide: Unit 6 The Age Of Jackson And Western Expansion
Political opponents strongly opposed this "spoils system," calling the Jackson administration his "kitchen cabinet. The Age of Jackson is associated with the rise of the career politician and the favoritism evident in modern politics. This policy, later to haunt his administration, displaced Native American people from their ancestral lands and forcibly relocated them to lands west of the Mississippi River. At the time, the United States was bursting at the seams, and white settlers desired to settle the southern and western frontier. The Indian Removal Act was considered a voluntary act, but the natives were either strongly coerced to give up their lands or escorted west by the U. This blot in American history is called the " Trail of Tears " by the Cherokee tribe, who suffered great depravation and humiliation from their forcible exile.
The reforms and radical changes brought on during the Age of Jackson rankled Jackson's political opponents. The Whigs contested the increasing powers of the executive office and battled Jackson's refusal to submit a charter for a national bank. This party saw a short-lived rise in popularity, but the Age of Jackson's appeal to the common man and the increasing antebellum tensions of the issue of slavery led to its early demise Ref 5. Later, the former Whigs combined to create the Republican Party, while Jackson supporters developed into the Democrat Party. You might also Like.
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Reconstruction in Practice Politics of the Jacksonian Era Even though Andrew Jackson was president only from to , his influence on American politics was pervasive both before and after his time in office. Moreover, the period witnessed the resettlement of Native Americans west of the Mississippi River and the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. But changes did occur that broadened participation in politics, and reform movements emerged to address the inequalities in American society. Even while states were moving toward denying free blacks the right to vote, the franchise was expanding for white men. All states admitted to the Union after adopted white male suffrage, and between and , others abolished the property and tax qualifications for voting.
Unit 9 Age Of Jackson Quiz
These developments had a dramatic effect on national elections. Measuring voter turnout before the presidential election of is impossible because only electoral votes were counted, but in the presidential election, , popular votes were cast, and the number more than tripled—to more than 1. The method of voting also began to change. Until the s, a man voted by going to his precinct's voting place and orally stating his choices. The absence of a secret, written ballot allowed intimidation; few would vote against a particular candidate when the room was crowded with his supporters. Printed ballots gave the voter a more independent voice, even though the first ballots were published by the political parties themselves.
Chapter 10 Test Form A Answer Key Social Studies The Age Of Jackson
Furthermore, many political offices became elective rather than appointive, making office holders more accountable to the public. By , almost all the states South Carolina was the sole exception shifted the selection of members of the Electoral College from their legislature directly to the voters. In , the provisions of the Maryland constitution that barred Jews from practicing law and holding public office were removed. The election of The Era of Good Feelings came to an end with the presidential election of Although Republicans dominated national politics, the party was breaking apart internally.
Chapter 10 Age Of Jackson Holt Test
Monroe's cabinet included no fewer than three men with presidential ambitions, each representing sectional interests. John C. Party leaders backed Crawford. Although a paralyzing stroke removed him from an active role in the campaign, he received almost as many votes as Clay. Calhoun removed himself from the race, settling for another terra as vice president and making plans for another run at the presidency in or Jackson received 43 percent of the popular vote compared to Adams's 31 percent, and he won 99 electoral votes to Adams's Because Jackson did not receive a majority in the Electoral College, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, where Speaker Clay exercised considerable political influence.
The Age Of Jackson Power Point Answer Key.
With no chance of winning himself, Clay threw his support to Adams, who shared his nationalist views. Although there is no firm evidence to support the charge, it became an issue that hounded Adams during his presidency and was raised by Jackson himself during the next presidential campaign. The Adams presidency. Few candidates were as qualified as John Quincy Adams to be president, yet few presidents have had such a disappointing term. In his first annual message to Congress , he laid out an extensive program of federal spending that stretched even the most liberal definition of internal improvements. Among other things, Adams called for the creation of a national university and a national observatory. But the president faced determined opposition everywhere he turned, both from Jackson's backers and Calhoun, who filled Senate committees with men who did not support the administration's policies.
When Adams asked Congress for funds to send a delegate to the Congress of Panama, a meeting of the newly independent nations of Latin America, southerners argued so vociferously against the idea that the conference had ended by the time money was actually appropriated. Adams did not help his own cause. Refusing to engage in partisan politics, he did not remove opponents from appointed office when he became president and thereby alienated his own supporters. His rather idealistic position earned him little backing for a second term. Politics had an impact on one of the most important domestic issues—protective tariffs. Four years later, Congress raised tariffs to the highest level before the Civil War and increased taxes on imports of raw wool. Indeed, Jacksonians believed the bill to be so onerous to different interest groups in different parts of the country that it had no chance of passing. But the Tariff of did become law, and it was soon called the Tariff of Abominations.
The Age Of Jackson Flashcards
Martin Van Buren of New York, who preferred rivalries between parties to disputes within one party, masterminded the emergence of the Democrats. The campaign itself was less about issues than the character of the two candidates. Supporters of Adams vilified Jackson as a murderer he had fought several duels , an adulterer he and his wife had mistakenly married before her divorce from her first husband was final , and an illiterate backwoodsman. These attacks by the National Republicans did little to detract from Jackson's popularity.
The Jeffersonian Era
Ordinary Americans admired his leadership qualities and decisiveness; they preferred to remember Jackson the Indian fighter and hero of the Battle of New Orleans and forget about the important role Adams played in negotiating the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of Jackson also had clear political advantages. As a westerner, he had secure support from that part of the country, while the fact that he was a slave owner gave him strength in the South. Conversely, Adams was strong only in New England. Jackson was swept into office with 56 percent of the popular vote from a greatly expanded electorate.
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It was an important era in many respects: the nation fought another war; the Supreme Court made a number of landmark decisions that had a permanent effect on our legal structure; it continued the reign of what was called the Virginia dynasty, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe as presidents. Because of continuing strife in Europe, the administrations of Jefferson and his successor James Madison were still dominated by foreign affairs. From then until the s domestic issues predominated in American political life. The election of is noteworthy for the peaceful transition of government leadership from one political party to its opposition, demonstrating that such a process could be accomplished without widespread confusion, villainy, or violence.
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Throughout history, governments kings, autocrats, emperors had rarely been replaced, except by death and inherited succession, without bloodshed or war. This peaceful transition at the dawn of republican ideas ushered in a new century in appropriate style. President Thomas Jefferson sought to unite the nation in his inaugural address by stressing the republican values shared by members of both parties. The election of is one of the most important in our history because the transfer of power from Federalists to Republicans was achieved peacefully, but it was not without controversy.
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Jefferson was nominated for president, and Burr for vice president. When the final results were tallied, however, Jefferson and Burr each had seventy-three electoral votes. That immediately led to a problem. A peculiarity existed in the electoral college provision of the original Constitution—there was no distinction between Presidential and Vice-presidential electors. When the electoral votes were counted in , Jefferson and Aaron Burr, both Republicans, were tied with 73 votes apiece. Under the Constitution as it then stood, Burr had what he believed was a legitimate claim to the highest office. The election was then thrown into the House of Representatives, which was still controlled by Federalists, many of whom threw their support to Aaron Burr. The House election was deadlocked through thirty-five ballots until Hamilton finally convinced several reluctant Federalists that Jefferson was a lesser evil than Burr, and Jefferson was elected.
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The Twelfth Amendment later corrected the Electoral College issue by separating votes for president and vice president. Thus control of the republic changed hands. The Federalists lost office in partly as a result of internal party disputes, but more importantly, because they lost touch with American public opinion. The Republicans won easily, but now they would have the responsibility to govern, and as many subsequent parties and candidates have discovered, it is one thing to win an election, quite another to govern effectively.
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For a time, at least, the Republicans would have it their way. Jefferson as President In his first inaugural address Jefferson laid down his political philosophy in his own words, written in his own hand. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. He summarized his political philosophy as follows: Equal and exact justice to all men …; peace, commerce, and honest friendship, with all nations—entangling alliances with none; the support of the state governments in all their rights, …; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; a jealous care of the right of election by the people; absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority …; a well-disciplined militia—our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense, … ; the honest payment of our debts and sacred preservation of the public faith; encouragement of agriculture, and of commerce as its handmaid; … freedom of religion; freedom of the press; freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected.
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In keeping with his basic republican principles, he favored informality in the White House. He got rid of the coach and six that Washington and Adams had used, and at dinner he sat people randomly around the table rather than in order of rank. His informality of dress surprised many, especially foreign diplomats used to the grandeur of European courts. Joseph J. Also in keeping with his idea of minimal government Jefferson asked Congress to repeal the federal excise taxes on whiskey and cut military spending. His attitude toward military matters bordered on pacifism he had not fought during the Revolution and he has been criticized for allowing the U. His purpose was a frugal government, an admirable goal, but some saw the reduction of military expenditures as dangerous.
Unit 9: Age Of Jackson Test And Answer Key
Jefferson regarded a large federal deficit debt as dangerous to republican government. He viewed large military expenditures as dangerous and likely to provoke hostilities. He cut federal expenses, mostly through reductions in military spending. Reduction of the army had the further benefit of removing a threat to Republican government, as he saw it; standing armies were still very unpopular. He saw the repeal of the whiskey taxes by Congress as a way of reducing the hand of government on the people. Jefferson was hounded by Republicans for political offices, but he gave jobs only to those he thought competent, no matter what their party. He did not fire Federalists because of their party affiliation, but many retired. Some, who saw where things were going politically, like John Quincy Adams, became Republicans. The Federalists linked Jefferson to France, challenging his early support for the French Revolution, which by had a legacy of violent excess.
Chapter 11 - Reform And Politics In The Age Of Jackson, | CourseNotes
A peculiarity existed in the Electoral College in that there was no distinction between presidential and vice-presidential electors: The resulting tie between Jefferson and Burr sent the election into the House. The Twelfth Amendment corrected the problem, and only one subsequent election was decided by the House of Representatives, the election of The Federalist contribution: The Federalists were out of power, but they had created a new Constitution and worked hard to get it ratified, a considerable feat. Thus the era of the American Revolution ended with the country sometimes weak and insecure. But as Jefferson pointed out in his inaugural address, the American nation was strong and secure overall; the people had found a system in which they could believe, even as they argued and fought over its execution.
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He said: We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. I trust not. I believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government on earth. They lost out because they were unwilling to adopt popular campaign techniques, and they opposed territorial expansion and the War of Although the Federalists disappeared, a summary of the Federalist Contribution to American history is worthwhile. They do not always fare well among historians because some of their ideas seemed to be anti-republican. Nevertheless, their accomplishments are notable: The Federalists created a Constitution and got the nation underway under its provisions, a considerable feat.
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Compare the French Revolution. The Federalists resolved significant diplomatic issues with Spain, France and England and postponed armed conflict until the nation was stronger. Once the Federalist Party disappeared, having been discredited by its opposition to the War of , America became for a time essentially a one-party system. James Monroe ran unopposed for president in Some politicians at that time began referring to themselves as National Democrats, but there was really only one party. Nevertheless, the country was divided by many political issues which we will discuss below. By political divisions had begun to reappear in the country. Well before that election took place, five potential presidential candidates had emerged. In the end, John Quincy Adams became president. That controversial election was the last one ever decided in the House of Representatives. By a new political coalition had begun to form out of the old Democratic Republican party, but this time they were referred to as Democrats.
Social Studies
Remnants of the old Federalist Party, along with Adams supporters, generally men of a more conservative persuasion, began to call themselves National Republicans. They never coalesced into a formal party, however. They called themselves Whigs, a name traditionally used by political groups opposed to autocratic rule. The Whig Party survived until the s, when it broke up over the slavery issue.
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Many of the issues that divided the Democrats and Whigs during these years, such as the National Bank and protective tariffs, came to a head during the Jackson administration. By the country had changed a great deal. Voting privileges had been extended to virtually all adult white males, and organized political parties began to field candidates for president and vice president on a single slate.
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The European world was in a period of relative calm, and America was able to develop internally without significant interference from overseas. As the country grew and expanded, domestic politics were typically rough-and-tumble, but lurking barely below the surface of the nation was the institution of slavery, which was dividing the country ever more sharply along sectional lines. Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father. Jefferson's politics were clearly liberal, according to the meaning of the term in that age, and so were Jackson's. But Jefferson's politics had an elitist overtone. The Age of Jackson, on the other hand, is known as the age of the common man. That belief was symbolized by Jackson himself, who rose from very humble beginnings to the highest office in the land. It is during the age of Jackson that we will see modern ideas of democracy begin to emerge.
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Thomas Jefferson is claimed with some justification as a political icon by both liberals and conservatives in modern times, for there were elements of his political philosophy that are consistent with the beliefs of both groups. Yet Jefferson's positions must be viewed both in the context of his own times and in the context of the changes that have occurred over the course of American history. Thomas Jefferson wished to be remembered on his tombstone for three things: Author of the Declaration of Independence Author of the Virginia Statute on religious Freedom Founder of the University of Virginia Jefferson was a true liberal in his pursuit of freedom of speech and religion, the spreading of republican democratic values far and wide, and in his general approach to government.
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He was willing to see blood shed in the cause of freedom, not only during the American Revolution, but as a general principle. On the other hand, he felt that all government was a necessary evil, and that that government which governed best governed least. He was one of the first sponsors of government-supported education for all children, and among his proudest achievements was the founding of the University of Virginia. Jefferson felt that an educated citizenry was the surest way to protect democratic institutions and guard against oppression.
The Age Of Jackson | American History Quiz - Quizizz
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Paul L. Ford, vol. Because politics were often so bitter in early America, they frequently became personal. Their mutual animosity was personal as well. Jefferson also found himself at odds with George Washington, whom he believed had been duped by Hamilton into following unfortunate policies. One sad outcome of the political bitterness of the s was the rupture of the friendship between those two giants. Fortunately for posterity, Adams and Jefferson were later reunited in correspondence through the intercession of their mutual friend, Dr. Benjamin Rush, and spent their latter years writing each other about a wide variety of topics.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Age Of Jackson Test Answers
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